Topic 1:  Mineral tax and valuation


The topic involves a review of several issues unresolved by the Mineral Tax and Valuation Committee as noted below. The issues were divided between the Joint Minerals Committee and the Joint Revenue Committee. The committees determined that the issues could be best addressed through the committees holding overlapping meetings.  The following were initially assigned to the Minerals Committee.

·        Coal, point of valuation captive mines valuation.

·        Valuation of “brokered coal”.

·        DOR authority to pick a valuation method for coal.

·        Valuation of Trona.

·        Valuation of Bentonite.


Topic 2:  Business Council


·        Energy Commission. The committee is to take testimony from the Business Council and the Energy Commission relating to issues common to both.

·        Economic benefit of improved transportation. The committee is to take testimony from the Business Council and UW Business School relating to airline service in the state. The committee is to integrate the new report with existing information into one report.  The committee is to take testimony on the economic benefit of improved highways in the state.

·        UW Technology Center. The University of Wyoming will present a Level 2 feasibility study of the Wyoming Technology Business Center.

·        The committee is to request the entities to specify in writing specific legislation needed to further economic development in the areas discussed. The committee then will review and recommend any necessary legislation.


Topic 3:  Bd. Prof. Engineers and Land Surveyors; Bd. of Geologists

The committee is to review issues relating to jurisdiction between the two boards and recommend necessary legislation.


Topic 4:  State Mining Council

The committee is to review issues with respect to the council's authority and make recommendations for any necessary legislation based upon specific input from the council.


Topic 5:  Banking

The Division of Banking is to provide written and oral presentation of the issues and specific written proposals for amendments to the statutes to bridge gaps between the banking statutes and the Business Corporations Act. The committee will review and make recommendations for any necessary legislation.


Topic 6:  UW Public Policy Institute

Examine the creation of a public policy institute at UW to provide non-partisan, in-depth research on issues of statewide importance. 


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