T E N T A T I V E   A G E N D A

(Updated January 8, 2002)


Joint Revenue Interim Committee

November 7 & 8, 2002

Capitol Bldg. - Room 302

Cheyenne, Wyoming


Thursday, November 7, 2002


8:30 am     Call to order


8:35 am     CREG update


9:15 am     Proposed legislation:

            Property tax relief program-extension, 03LSO-0092.W1

            Sales tax-vendor licenses, 03LSO-0055.W1

            Tobacco tax, 03LSO-0097.W1

            Fuel tax distribution, 03LSO-0096.W1

            Specific purpose excise tax, 03LSO-0095.W1


11:00 am    Natural gas valuation, 03LSO-0091.W4


12:00 pm    Lunch


1:30 pm      Natural gas valuation, continued


3:00 pm      Testimony and discussion on pending legislation


Friday, November 8, 2002


8:30 am      Call to order


8:35 am      Department of Revenue issues


10:30 am     John Wirth, Woodworkers Supply


11:00 am     County's right to appeal, Supreme Court Decision


12:00 pm    Lunch


1:30 pm      Sales & use tax-farm implements exemption, 03LSO-0226.W1

                 Sales & use tax-farm implements, 03LSO-0227.W1


2:00 pm      Wireless telephone, emergencies


2:30 pm       Uranium severance tax

