Joint Revenue Committee Meeting Summary (September 24-25, 2003)

The Joint Revenue Committee met on September 24-25, 2003 in Cheyenne.  The Committee received an update on motor fuel taxation proposals from the previous legislative session, including the funding of the multi-lane highway proposal.  The Committee voted to send a letter to Wyoming’s congressional delegation supporting the passage of the federal bill reauthorizing federal funding for state road construction.  The Committee heard testimony regarding municipal and county budgetary concerns.   The Committee voted to sponsor a bill to increase fuel taxes by six cents per gallon for gasoline and diesel over a three-year period. 


The State Board of Equalization provided the Committee with an update on the number of cases decided and pending that may affect the State’s revenue stream.  Staff from the Department of Revenue and the Attorney General’s Office provided the Committee with information regarding the impacts of the Powder River Coal Company case decided by the Wyoming Supreme Court in 2002.  The Committee discussed various revenue options to consider for the upcoming session.  The Committee voted to sponsor a bill regarding the repeal of the tax placed on railroads for railroad crossings of highways and to sponsor a bill to repeal the excise tax on the commercial transportation of coal.  The Committee received testimony from the Johnson County Property Tax Relief Group.  The Committee discussed issues for the Committee’s consideration at its next meeting, which will be held November 5-6, 2003 in Cheyenne.  

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