Mandatory school attendance.






The fiscal impact is indeterminable.



Statewide, the districts reported the grades 7-12 drop-outs for the following school years:


1999-2000     1770

2000-2001     1886

2001-2002     1742

2002-2003     1304



The districts do not report the ages for the drop-outs, only the grade in school.  Some students reported here may not be drop-outs but have moved out of state and no transcript was requested by the new school.  If we could determine the number of students who would remain in school under this legislation, we could calculate the fiscal impact by multiplying that number by $8,833 for FY 2005 and $8,902 for FY 2006.


Prepared by:   Fred Hansen, Dept. of Ed.   Phone:   777-7804