Please Note: The following summaries of legislation enacted during the 2004 Legislative Session were prepared by the Legal Services Division Staff for internal use by the Legislative Service Office.


This report is not an official publication of the Wyoming Legislature and does not purport to be an official statement of legislative intent concerning any measure  enacted by the Legislature.


The bill summaries contained in this report were prepared as an aid to locating enacted legislation and as a brief recap of the major provisions of each bill.  While the information provided in these summaries is accurate, the summaries are not intended as a detailed abstract and reference should be made to the enacted bills for more complete information.


Bill No.: HB0040                  Drafter:  DKG


LSO No.:  04LSO-0097.E2           Effective Date:  7/1/2004

                                  Section 4:  Immediate

Enrolled Act No.:  HEA0033


Chapter No.:       57


Prime Sponsor:     Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee


Catch Title:       Insurance regulation.


Subject:  Restrictions on insurer practices.



Summary/Major Elements:


·        Prohibits insurers from using information from consumer reporting agencies and insurance support organizations to decline coverage, unless the information is acted upon within 45 days of issuing a binder.  This provision applies to homeowner's insurance only and does not apply to policy renewals.


·        Prohibits homeowner's policies from being denied renewal as a result of a single claim within a three year period arising from natural causes.


·        Prohibits homeowner's policies from being cancelled midterm as a result of any claim arising from natural causes.


·        Prohibits an insurer from canceling, refusing to renew or renewing at a higher premium a homeowner's policy based upon inquiries.  An inquiry is a request for information that does not result in a claim being filed or paid.


·        Makes a number of provisions regarding notification of cancellation, nonrenewals and information on losses applicable to homeowner's policies.