Please Note: The following summaries of legislation enacted during the 2004 Legislative Session were prepared by the Legal Services Division Staff for internal use by the Legislative Service Office.


This report is not an official publication of the Wyoming Legislature and does not purport to be an official statement of legislative intent concerning any measure  enacted by the Legislature.


The bill summaries contained in this report were prepared as an aid to locating enacted legislation and as a brief recap of the major provisions of each bill.  While the information provided in these summaries is accurate, the summaries are not intended as a detailed abstract and reference should be made to the enacted bills for more complete information.


Bill No.: SF0027                  Drafter:  DKG


LSO No.:  04LSO-0034.E2           Effective Date:  7/1/2005


Enrolled Act No.:  SEA0034


Chapter No.:       124


Prime Sponsor:     Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee


Catch Title:       Hunting and fishing residency requirements.


Subject:  Establishment of residency for hunting and fishing purposes.


Summary/Major Elements:


·        This bill rearranges current provisions regarding requirements to establish residency for hunting and fishing licenses in order to clarify current law.


·        It also makes substantive changes to requirements for establishing residency.


·        Generally a person must be domiciled in Wyoming for 1 full year prior to making application for a resident hunting or fishing license, permit or preference point.


·        Exceptions are made for:

o       Minors who have at least one parent qualifying as a resident;

o       Military personnel and dependents of military personnel (both for being a Wyoming resident stationed elsewhere and less stringent requirements for military personnel stationed in Wyoming);

o       Students attending school elsewhere.


·        Another generally applicable requirement is that the person not have claimed residency elsewhere for any purposes during the preceding year.


·        Generally a person also loses residency if he resides in another state, territory or county for more than an aggregate of 180 days in a calendar year, unless he qualifies as a minor dependent, under a military or student provision.