Please Note: The following summaries of legislation enacted during the 2004 Legislative Session were prepared by the Legal Services Division Staff for internal use by the Legislative Service Office.


This report is not an official publication of the Wyoming Legislature and does not purport to be an official statement of legislative intent concerning any measure  enacted by the Legislature.


The bill summaries contained in this report were prepared as an aid to locating enacted legislation and as a brief recap of the major provisions of each bill.  While the information provided in these summaries is accurate, the summaries are not intended as a detailed abstract and reference should be made to the enacted bills for more complete information.


Bill No.: SF0029                  Drafter:  JWL


LSO No.:  04LSO-0237.E2           Effective Date:  


Enrolled Act No.:  SEA0031


Chapter No.:       100


Prime Sponsor:     Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee


Catch Title:       Health care information technology study.


Subject:  Provides for a study by health care commission of a statewide health care information and communication technology system.


Summary/Major Elements:


·         Directs the Wyoming health care commission to contract for a study on health care information and communication technology;


·         Provides for appointment of a subcommittee of the commission to issue request(s) for proposal(s), to award a contract, to oversee the contractor's work and to provide reports to the joint interim labor, health and social services committee;


·         Directs the subcommittee to develop a plan for a uniform health care information infrastructure for use by providers, patients and payors that includes:


·         Incorporation of existing technologies;

·         A business plan, timetable  and recommended organizational structures for the maintenance of the system;

·         Provision for a digital personal health record with a unique patient identifier;

·         Provisions to enhance public health through such means as epidemiological studies, disease reporting, and treatment guidelines;


·         Appropriates $400,000 to the Wyoming health care commission for the study.


·         Comments:

Requires quarterly reports to the joint interim labor committee, a status report by November 15, 2004 and a final report by September 1, 2005.