S.F. No. 0039

Pledge of allegiance in schools.


Sponsored By:                              Senator(s) Roberts and Representative(s) Thompson and Walsh


AN ACT relating to public schools; requiring instruction in the proper use of the American flag and the recitation of the pledge of allegiance; and providing for an effective date.


01/30/2004             Bill Number Assigned

02/09/2004             S Received for Introduction

02/10/2004             S Introduced and Referred to S04



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Caller, Cathcart, Coe, Devin, Erb, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Job, Kunz, Larson, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Schiffer, Scott and Sessions.

Nays:  Senator(s) Case, Decaria, Goodenough, Massie, Mockler, Townsend and Vasey.

Ayes 23    Nays 7    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


02/13/2004             S04 Recommended Do Pass



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, J., Caller, Coe, Peck and Sessions

Ayes 5    Nays 0    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


02/13/2004             S Placed on General File

02/18/2004             S Passed CoW



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"(c)  No pupil shall be required to recite the pledge of allegiance.  Prior to the recitation of the pledge, pupils shall be fully informed by the supervising adult that participation is voluntary and that no sanctions will result from the refusal to participate.".  GOODENOUGH



Ayes:  Senator(s) Boggs, Caller, Goodenough, Job, Mockler and Sessions.

Nays:  Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Burns, Case, Cathcart, Decaria, Devin, Erb, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Kunz, Larson, Massie, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Schiffer, Scott, Townsend and Vasey.

Excused:  Senator(s) Coe

Ayes 6    Nays 23    Excused 1    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


02/19/2004             S Passed 2nd Reading

02/20/2004             S Passed 3rd Reading



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Caller, Cathcart, Coe, Devin, Erb, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Kunz, Larson, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions and Townsend.

Nays:  Senator(s) Case, Decaria, Goodenough, Job, Massie, Mockler and Vasey.

Ayes 23    Nays 7    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


02/20/2004             H Received for Introduction

02/23/2004             H Introduced and Referred to H04

03/05/2004             H Indefinitely Postponed