Select Committee on Developmental Programs

U W Outreach Building, Room 150

951 N Poplar

Casper, Wyoming


Monday, November 22, 2004




9:00 a.m.                     Call to order

                                    Remarks from the Cochairs

                                    Approval of minutes from September 20th meeting


9:10 a.m.                     Discussion of supplemental budget needs related to the Developmental Disabilities Division (DDD), previous interagency transfers of funds, and on-going Committee education and oversight of DDD related issues

                                                Phyllis Sherard, Deputy Director of Programs, WDH

                                                Cliff Mikesell, Acting Developmental Disabilities Division


                                                Jon Fortune, Adult Services Manager

                                                Shelldon Skelcher, Children Services Manager


10:15 a.m.                   BREAK


10:25 a.m.                   Consideration of draft legislation –

                        05LSO-0125.W2 - Department of health service providers.

05LSO-0126.W1 - Select committee on developmental programs.

            Public comment

                                                Committee directives


11:15 a.m.                   Explanation of federal education funding for preschools and related issues 

                                                Tammy Cox, State Department of Education (SDE)

                                                Stephanie Weaver, SDE

                                                 Joan Gaston, SDE


12:00 noon                  LUNCH


1:00 p.m.                     Preschool Study

                                                Dr. Linda Goetze, Early Intervention Research Institute, Utah State

                                                University, status report

                                                Public comment

                                                Committee directives


3:00 p.m.                     Adjourn


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