Wyoming Legislature

Committee Meeting Summary of Proceedings

Select Water Committee 

Committee Meeting Information

August 25 & 26, 2004

Big Horn Federal Bank

Thermopolis, Wyoming


Committee Members Present

Senator Gerald E. Geis, Chairman

Senator Rae Lynn Job

Senator Laness Northrup

Senator Robert Peck (August 26 only)

Senator Chuck Townsend

Senator Bill Vasey

Representative Rodney “Pete” Anderson

Representative Kurt Bucholz

Representative Ross Diercks

Representative Layton Morgan

Representative Owen Petersen

Representative Frank Philp


Committee Members Absent

Senator Robert Peck (August 25 only)


Legislative Service Office Staff

Mark Quiner, Assistant Director


Others Present at Meeting

Wyoming Water Development Office: Mike Besson, Director

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet
for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.

Call To Order (August 25, 2004)

The Select Water Committee and the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC) went on a water tour beginning at 8 a.m. in the Thermopolis area.  For a detailed listing of the tour sites refer to Appendix 3.  Following the tour, Chairman Geis called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda.


Planning Study Amendments & Contracts

Mr. Mike Besson, Director of the Wyoming Water Development Office (WWDO) and various WWDO staff explained the following project planning documents:



Following discussion, the Select Water Committee approved the documents.


Mr. Besson and various WWDO staff also explained the following planning study documents for Commission approval (Note:  no action was required of the Select Committee.)



The Commission did not approve the following planning study document:



Note:  The following morning the Commission reconsidered its disapproval of the contract, and subsequently approved the contract.


Construction Documents

Mr. Besson explained the following construction amendment which was approved by the Select Water Committee:



Mr. Besson and various WWDO staff explained the following project contract amendments for Commission approval (Note:  no action was required of the Select Committee.)



Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairman Geis adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.


Call To Order (August 26, 2004)

Chairman Geis called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda.


Buffalo Bill Dam and Reservoir and Winter Releases

Mr. Besson explained the issue over competing interests for water rights including irrigation and protecting instream flows.  The original purpose of Buffalo Bill Dam included many uses.


Mr. John Lawson, Area Manager, Wyoming Area Office of the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, provided a presentation on the history and current uses of the Buffalo Bill Dam.  He indicated sufficient water must be released from the dam during the winter to keep the power generation plant operating.  Mr. Lawson further explained the proposed agreement with the state over the winter releases.


Mr. Bill Watkins of Wyoming Trout Unlimited indicated his organization supports adequate flow for fisheries and fish welfare to survive the winters.  He provided information on water usage per acre for irrigation.  See Appendix 4.


Several persons representing irrigators and irrigation districts expressed concern over the proposed agreement including Ms. Klodette Stroh of the Shoshone Irrigation District, Mr. Jim Flowers of the Heart Mountain Irrigation District, and Mr. Mel Wambeke of the Deaver Irrigation District.


Senator Laness Northrup also provided information on the quantity of fish and the historical releases from Buffalo Bill Dam.  Senator Northrup spoke in opposition to the proposed agreement.  Appendix 5.


State Engineer Pat Tyrell provided information on the river which flows from the Buffalo Bill Dam.  He indicated there has generally been sufficient water in the river to meet the demands of the appropriators on that river.


Mr. Bret Reed, a rancher from Cody, expressed concern over the proposed agreement and the potential affect of the weather on the agreement.


Later in the day, the Commission conditionally approved the proposed marketing plan for the Buffalo Bill Dam.  Mr. Besson indicated there would be one more public meeting on the proposal and if there are any suggested changes, he will inform the Commission at its next meeting.


Dam & Reservoir Projects

Governor Dave Freudenthal presented information regarding his views on water storage in the state.  He thinks the state should look at potential water storage sites which the public would support.  The state will have to involve the federal government regarding the purpose and need for the storage sites.  The drought has highlighted the need for reservoirs for irrigation and recreation.  The process of creating water storage takes a long time and can be frustrating, but the process should begin now.  He indicated he supports creating a new division within the WWDO for dams and reservoirs.


Green River & Colorado River Update

State Engineer Pat Tyrell provided an update on the drought and the effect it has had on the upper Colorado River basin including Wyoming.  He provided detailed information on Lake Powell and the need to support the hydroelectric needs at the lake.  He indicated there are users in Wyoming of the electricity generated in Lake Powell.  Lake Powell is currently at its lowest point since its initial filling.  There has never been a "call" of the water dedicated to Lake Powell and Lake Mead, but Mr. Tyrell indicated if that happened, the upper basin states would be required to live up to their agreement and send the water to the lakes.  He will keep the Committee and the Commission apprised of the situation.


Proposed Program Criteria Amendments

Mr. Besson explained the proposed amendments to water project program criteria.  Following discussion, the Committee and the Commission approved the proposed amendments.


Small Water Project Program Criteria Discussion

Mr. Besson explained the proposed amendments to the small water project program criteria.  There are numerous suggested changes to the program criteria.  Mr. Besson indicated there would be no vote on the proposed changes today, but asked the Commission and the Committee to carefully study the proposed changes and be ready to address the changes at the next meeting.


Small Water Program Applications

Mr. Besson and Ron Vore of the WWDO explained the small water projects for Commission approval: (Note:  no action was required of the Select Committee.)



Meeting Adjournment

The next meeting will be held in mid-November.  There being no further business, Chairman Geis adjourned the meeting at 5 pm.


Respectfully submitted,




Senator Gerald E. Geis, Chairman

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