

Page 2-line 17     After "account." insert "If funds within the account are not sufficient for payments on July 1 of any school year, the commission shall distribute payments from the account on or before

 September 30 and March 31 of that school year.".  COE






Page 2-line 17     After "collection." insert "In no event shall the action or inaction of the county treasurer or the department be deemed to prohibit the collection of the full amount of the tax approved by the voters.".


Page 3-line 24     After "collection." insert "In no event shall the action or inaction of the county treasurer or the department be deemed to prohibit the collection of the full amount of the tax approved by the voters.".  LARSON, CASE




Page 13-line 5     Delete "commissioner has sent" insert "applicant has received"; after "notification" delete "to".


Page 13-line 6     Delete line through "him".  HAWKS, CHAIRMAN










Page 2-line 6      Delete "thirty percent (30%)" and insert "fifteen percent (15%)".


Page 2-line 7      After "period." insert "For health care professional malpractice insurance, a rate increase of more than fifteen percent (15%) in any specialty shall cause a consolidated hearing on the rate increase."; after "The" insert "informational".


Page 3-line 11     Delete "in" insert ";".


Page 3-lines 12 and 13  Delete.


Page 4-line 17     After "professional" insert "health care".


Page 5-line 3      After "professional" insert "health care".  SCOTT, Chairman






Page 1-line 6      Delete.


Page 1-line 7      Delete through ";".


Page 3-line 19     Delete "27-3-502(g)(i) and" and insert "27-3-502(g)".


Page 8-line 2      After "means" delete balance of the line and insert "an individual or entity, including any partnership, association, trust, estate, corporation, limited liability company, domestic or foreign insurance company or corporation, a receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, trustee, successor or the legal representative of a deceased person.".


Page 8-lines 10 through 13   Delete.


Page 17-line 2     After "(c)," delete balance of the line.  SCOTT, CHAIRMAN






Page 9-line 15     Delete "preapproval" insert "preauthorization".  SCOTT, CHAIRMAN







Page 1-line 8      After "subpoena;" insert "providing for confidentiality of subpoenaed materials as specified;".


Page 6-after line 22    Insert:


"(j)  Any information, records or data reported or obtained pursuant to subpoena under this section shall remain confidential and shall not be further disclosed unless in connection with a criminal case related to the subpoenaed materials.".  JENNINGS


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