Joint Legislative/Executive Oversight Committee for the Executive Training Institute/Graduate School of Business 


Committee Meeting Information

July 28, 2005

Spring Creek Ranch

Jackson, Wyoming


Legislative Members Present

Senator Grant Larson, Co-Chairman

Representative Randall Luthi, Co-Chairman

Senator Hank Coe

Representative Debbie Hammons


Legislative Members Absent

Senator Jim Anderson

Representative Layton Morgan
Representative Jeff Wasserburger


Other Members Present

Cynthia Lummis, State Treasurer

Tom Buchanan, President, University of Wyoming


Other Members Absent

Representative Pete Jorgensen, Governor’s Office Representative

Max Maxfield, State Auditor

Joe Meyer, Secretary of State

Judy Richards, University of Wyoming Board Trustees

Department of Education



Legislative Service Office Staff

Mark Quiner, Assistant Director


Others Present at Meeting

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet
for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.


Call To Order

Co-Chairman Luthi called the meeting to order at 9 a.m.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda and advance materials.  Mr. Mark Quiner called the roll.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the April 6, 2005 Committee meeting were reviewed.


Report from the Steering Committee  

Brent  Hathaway, Dean of the University of Wyoming Business College and Chair of the Steering Committee, provided an update of the previous days' meeting of the Steering Committee.  Attending members of the Steering Committee were introduced including Shaun Andrikopoulos, Ron McCue and Alan Tessler.  University of Wyoming President Tom Buchanan was also introduced.  Mr. Hathaway provided the Committee with an updated report on the Steering Committee activities including the report from the survey conducted for the Committee by the Arts and Science Group.  Mr. Hathaway also indicated the Steering Committee has been working with Sarah Flitner and Ted Ladd on communications for the Committee, as well as the architectural firm of Hawtin Jorgensen in Jackson in the area of facilities.


Mr. Hathaway indicated the Arts and Science Group report indicated there were potentially 3 components of an educational facility:  a summit type of event with an outreach, executive/leadership education, and graduate education including some statewide business participation.  It is important that the University and the College of Business play a pivotal role in the project.  There might be other partners involved, but the University should have the primary role.


Mr. Hathaway explained the Arts and Science Group's focus on this initial phase of their study was on the global market/environment, and now that that portion is completed, the focus will shift to the statewide environment.


Mr. Hathaway indicated the Steering Committee is on schedule to complete their report to be submitted to the Oversight Committee by October 1, 2005.


The Committee then discussed with the members of the Steering Committee the recent press coverage and the necessity to provide the public with timely information.  The University website will be helpful in this regard.


The Committee also discussed the importance of having the University of Wyoming student population have a direct involvement in the potential education center and benefit therefrom.


Mr. Hathaway explained that the architectural firm of Hawtin Jorgensen will assist the Steering Committee in considering what educational facilities are currently in existence.  The firm will not make a specific site recommendation, but will provide costing options and different scenarios on where an educational institution's presence might be.  The firm will deliver cost items for the final report.


The Committee then discussed its role in this process and the interaction/relationship to the Steering Committee.  Members of the Committee expressed their appreciation for the preliminary work accomplished by the Steering Committee and expressed interest in becoming more engaged in the work of the Steering Committee without interfering. 


Mr. Tom Buchanan, University of Wyoming President, thanked the Committee for its support of the University.  He encouraged the Steering Committee to keep in mind the mission of the University and its service in providing high quality educational opportunities for students.  With the great wealth of the state comes great opportunity.  He hopes that any work of the Steering Committee will stay focused on building a quality reputation for the Business College at the University.


Mr. Hathaway reviewed the future meetings of the Steering Committee as well as the five public meetings required by law to be held around the state.  He suggested possible sites for the public meetings including Casper, Cheyenne, Jackson, Laramie, Sheridan/Gillette, Rock Springs and Cody.  Meetings could also be broadcast using the distance and outreach facilities at the University.  There was also discussion of the possible use of Wyoming Public Television.


CoChairman Luthi handed out a draft role of the Oversight Committee for consideration.   Appendix 4.


The next meeting of the Steering Committee will be held in Salt Lake City on September 7 and 8, 2005.  Members of the Oversight Committee are encouraged to attend as well.  The next meeting of the Oversight Committee (after attending the Steering Committee meeting in Salt Lake City) will be held in early October.


Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Co-Chairman Luthi thanked all participants and adjourned the meeting at 10:30 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Representative Randall Luthi, Co-Chairman


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