Joint Legislative/Executive Oversight Committee for the Executive Training Institute/Graduate School of Business 



Committee Meeting Information

September 27, 2005

University of Wyoming Outreach Building

Casper, Wyoming


Legislative Members Present

Senator Grant Larson, Co-Chairman

Representative Randall Luthi, Co-Chairman

Senator Jim Anderson

Senator Hank Coe

Representative Debbie Hammons

Representative Jeff Wasserburger


Legislative Members Absent

Representative Layton Morgan

Other Members Present

Tom Buchanan, President, University of Wyoming

Representative Pete Jorgensen, Governor’s Office Representative

Judy Richards, University of Wyoming Board Trustees


Other Members Absent

Cynthia Lummis, State Treasurer

Max Maxfield, State Auditor

Joe Meyer, Secretary of State

Jim McBride, Department of Education


Legislative Service Office Staff

Mark Quiner, Assistant Director

Don Richards, Senior Research Analyst


Others Present at Meeting

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet
for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.


Call To Order

Co-Chairman Luthi called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic. 


Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the April 6, 2005 and July 28, 2005 Committee meetings were approved.


Report from the Steering Committee

Brent  Hathaway, Dean of the University of Wyoming Business College and Chair of the Steering Committee, provided an update on the activities of the Steering Committee.  Attending members of the Steering Committee were introduced including Maggie Murdock and Ron McCue.  Mr. Hathaway also provided the names of the other members of the Steering Committee not in attendance including Shaun Andrikopoulos, Alan Tessler, Gary Brewer, Dick McGinnity, Roy Whitney, Rich Honack and Peter Johnson.  University of Wyoming President Tom Buchanan was also introduced.


Mr. Hathaway provided the Committee with a summary of the Steering Committee recommendations.  See Appendix 2.  The recommendations include a preamble, mission of the institute, as well as the focus of the institute, educational opportunities, the summit/conference emphasis, funding and other functions and purposes of the institute. 


Members of the Committee expressed their appreciation for the hard work of the Steering Committee.  Many hours have been devoted to the development of the recommendations by the Steering Committee members and UW staff. 


In response to questions posed by various members of the Oversight Committee, discussion occurred regarding several issues surrounding the institute including sustaining funding, the involvement of UW undergraduate and graduate students, the timeline for the development of the institute, the cost of the initial start-up, the type of faculty and staff needed to operate the institute, the potential generation of financing by the institute, and the need to integrate and coordinate other educational programs in the state. 


Mr. Hathaway indicated the Steering Committee is on target to complete its report and recommendations and submit the report to the Oversight Committee by October 3, 2005.  Cochairman Luthi requested that members of the Oversight Committee be given an advance copy of the report and Mr. Hathaway agreed.  Mr. Hathaway, members of the Steering Committee and staff discussed the schedule of public hearings to be held around the state.  The purpose of the hearings is to garner public input on the report and recommendations.  See Appendix 3. 


Mr. Tom Buchanan, University of Wyoming President, thanked the Steering Committee for its hard work in preparing the recommendations.  He can see strong connections between this initiative and some of the other educational programs that are working in the state.  He also thinks this initiative will push the University to work for statewide growth and economic development. 


Cochairman Luthi encouraged members of the Oversight Committee to attend the public hearings when possible.  Members may receive per diem for their attendance.


Mr. Hathaway provided information on the expenditures of the Steering Committee to date.  Thus far, approximately $612,000 has been expended.  He estimated that around $675,000 may be expended by the end of the study.  Cochairman Luthi indicated the Oversight Committee would approve the total amount of the expenditures at a later meeting.


Cochairman Larson indicated the rooms for the Steering Committee meeting in Salt Lake City were donated by Mr. Earl Holding who is a supporter of the institution.


Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Co-Chairman Luthi thanked all participants and adjourned the meeting at 10:15 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Representative Randall Luthi, Co-Chairman

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