Wyoming Legislature

Committee Meeting Summary of Proceedings

Select Committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services


Committee Meeting Information

November 4, 2005

Room 302, State Capitol

Cheyenne, Wyoming


Committee Members Present

Senator John Schiffer, Co-chairman

Representative Colin Simpson, Co-chairman

Senator Pat Aullman

Senator Ken Decaria

Senator Rae Lynn Job

Senator Wayne Johnson

Senator Tony Ross

Representative Keith Gingery

Representative Patrick Goggles

Representative Jerry Iekel

Representative Doug Osborn

Representative Jane Warren


Legislative Service Office Staff

John Rivera, Senior Staff Attorney


Others Present at Meeting

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet
for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.


Call To Order

Chairman Simpson called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda.


Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the September 14-15, 2005 Committee meeting were approved.


Proposed Draft Legislation


06LSO-0093.W1, DFS contract for residential services-juveniles.

Senator Ross explained that the Attorney General issued two opinions regarding whether the Department of Family Services may enter into residential services contracts for juveniles with nonprofit entities.  While the second opinion stated such contracts were legal, Senator Ross requested consideration of the draft bill to clarify the legality of such contracts. 


Senator Ross, seconded by Representative Osborn, moved for Committee sponsorship of the bill.  The motion carried unanimously with Senators Aullman, Decaria, Job, Johnson, Ross and Schiffer and Representatives Gingery, Iekel, Goggles, Osborn, Simpson and Warren voting aye.  Chairman Simpson advised that all draft legislation approved by the Committee for sponsorship, except 06LSO-0183, would be introduced as Senate Files.  06LSO-0183, if approved for sponsorship, would be introduced as a House Bill.


06LSO-0183.W2, Mental health and substance abuse appropriations.

The Department of Health distributed materials for Committee consideration on the bill. Appendix 3, distributed by the Mental Health Division, provided a description of the proposed plan for regionalization of the mental health system of care in the state, with costs for the plan.  Appendices 4 and 5, distributed by the Substance Abuse Division, contained alternative language for section 12 of the bill and provided explanations of changes to funding requests for substance abuse programs provided in the bill.


Representative Iekel moved the bill,  seconded by Senator Johnson, for purposes of considering changes to the bill. The bill was then considered section by section.


The following motions were made to the bill:


Motions that failed or were withdrawn include:


Mr. Rick Miller, University of Wyoming Vice-President for Governmental, Community and Legal Affairs, explained that Section 13 of the bill, relating to psychiatric residency rotations, was a new concept that is very complex, so a planning process has to occur before implementation could be considered.


Chairman Simpson advised the bill would be amended to incorporate the changes made by Committee and would be considered again at a later date.


06LSO-0216.W3, Advanced practice registered nurses in psychiatry

Mr. Miller introduced Dr. Susan McCabe and explained that the University was already starting a new program to increase nursing graduate students.  Dr. McCabe described the program the University is implementing.  There have been over 200 inquiries for the program, about ½ of them from Wyoming residents.  Tuition for the graduate students will be $11,000/ year. The biggest obstacle for students is a need to replace lost income.  The stipends the proposed legislation would provide would be a big help in overcoming that obstacle.  Mr. Miller distributed Appendix 7, containing amendments to clear up archaic language used in the bill.  Senator Schiffer moved the amendments proposed. The motion carried unanimously.


Senator Ross, seconded by Representative Osborn, moved for Committee sponsorship of the bill, as amended.  The motion carried unanimously with Senators Aullman, Decaria, Job, Johnson, Ross and Schiffer and Representatives Gingery, Iekel, Goggles, Osborn, Simpson and Warren voting aye. 


06LSO-0220.W2, Wyoming state hospital psychiatrists-recruitment.

Chairman Simpson explained the purpose of the bill.  After discussion about the number of psychiatrists currently employed and the need for additional psychiatrists, Senator Schiffer moved to amend the bill on page 2-lines 11 and 12, to delete ", in consultation with the office of rural health,".  The motion carried unanimously.  Senator Johnson moved to table the bill.  The motion failed on a hand vote with 5 ayes and 7 nays.


Senator Schiffer, seconded by Senator Ross, moved for Committee sponsorship of the bill, as amended.  The motion carried unanimously with Senators Aullman, Decaria, Job, Ross and Schiffer and Representatives Gingery, Iekel, Goggles, Osborn, Simpson and Warren voting aye.  Senator Johnson was excused.


06LSO-0178.W2, Mental health insurance parity.

After discussion, Representative Iekel, seconded by Representative Osborn, moved for Committee sponsorship of the bill.  The motion carried unanimously with Senators Aullman, Decaria, Job, Ross and Schiffer and Representatives Gingery, Iekel, Goggles, Osborn, Simpson and Warren voting aye.  Senator Johnson was excused.


06LSO-0179.W2, Substance abuse insurance parity.

Chairman Simpson expressed concern with the definition of "substance abuse" contained in the bill.  After discussion, the Committee directed staff to work with Dr. Ann Reyes, Substance Abuse Division, to prepare an amended definition for the Committee's consideration.  The bill was tabled for further consideration until receipt of the amended definition.


Substance Abuse Division Report-Treatment Beds Shortage

Due to the length of the meeting, the report by Dr. Reyes was postponed.


Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairman Simpson adjourned the meeting at 5:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,





Senator John Schiffer, Co-chairman                            Representative Colin Simpson, Co-chairman


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