Wyoming state hospital psychiatrists-recruitment.                   06LSO-0220.C1


This bill contains an appropriation of $3,255,000 from the GENERAL FUND.

This bill contains an authorization of 7 Full-Time positions.



FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2009





Anticipated Expenditure Increase:









Source of expenditure increase: 


Recruitment, re-location, loan forgiveness payments pursuant to proposed W.S. 9-2-125.




Recruitment and relocation funds ($105,000) would be allocated evenly between FY2007 and FY2008, i.e., FY07 - $52,500; FY08 - $52,500.


Loan forgiveness funds ($700,000) would be allocated and obligated equally and fully over the '07-08 biennium.  Under the proposed bill, the terms of the loan forgiveness section include a four-year obligation on the part of the seven recipients (psychiatrists).  Actual expenditures to recipients would be divided equally over the four-year service period.  Given that, expenditures under this appropriation should occur through FY2011 (in order to complete 4-year contracts obligated in FY2008) and will require budget authority to carry over and expend unspent funds remaining after FY2008.  Estimated expenditures would be as follows:  FY07 - $87,500; FY08 - $175,000; FY09 - $175,000; FY10 - $175,000; and FY11 - $87,500.


Salary funds ($2,450,000) would be based upon the hiring of seven psychiatrists at the rate of $175,000 per year, per psychiatrist.  As this proposal would become effective July 1, 2006, it is estimated that it will take approximately three months to promulgate rules necessary to carry out the purpose of this section.  Estimated salary expenditures are as follows:  FY07 - $525,000; FY08 - $1,225,000; FY09 - $1,225,000.


(continued on next page)




The expenditure decrease resulting from this bill, if any, is indeterminable.


Source of expenditure decrease: 


There may be a realized decrease in the cost of emergency detentions as those individuals detained under Title 25 would potentially have access to a psychiatrist.  It is unknown what that decrease in expenditure would be.  Both the state and the county could realize this decrease.




Individuals detained under Title 25 have access to a psychiatrist.  The psychiatrist, in cooperation with the primary care physician and/or treatment providers, would be able to determine the appropriateness of the detention; the determination if inpatient services were needed; and whether or not those services could be provided in the community.  This could potentially reduce the length of time a person is in a emergency detention status.




This bill has administrative impact that appears to increase (or decrease) duties or responsibilities of one or more state agencies and may impact agency spending or staffing requirements. As introduced, the bill does not modify any state agency budget or current personnel authorizations.

The following state agencies will be asked to provide their estimate of the administrative fiscal impact prior to the first committee meeting held to consider the bill:


Department of Health












Prepared by:   Don Richards, LSO           Phone:  777-7881 

(Information provided by Paul Mullenax, Department of Health; phone:  789-3464 ext. 710.)