Committee Meeting Information

September 4 and 5, 2006

Herschler Building

Cheyenne, Wyoming


Committee Members Present

Senator Henry H.R. “Hank” Coe, Co-Chairman

Representative Jeff Wasserburger, Co-Chairman

Senator Tex Boggs

Senator Kit Jennings

 Senator Robert Peck

Senator Charles Townsend

Representative Debbie Hammons

Representative Steve Harshman

Representative Becket Hinckley

Representative Del McOmie

Representative Lorraine Quarberg

Representative Dave Zwonitzer


Committee Members Absent

Representative Patrick Goggles

Representative Kurt Bucholz



Legislative Service Office Staff

Dave Nelson, School Finance Manager, Brenda Long, School Finance Analyst, Matthew Sackett, Associate Research Analyst, Joseph A. Rodriguez, Staff Attorney


Others Present at Meeting

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet
for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.

Executive Summary


Call To Order/Opening Remarks (December 4, 2006)

Co-Chairman Wasserberger called the meeting to order at 8:40a.m.  Co-Chairman Coe Wasserberger explained the public comment procedure for the meeting.  He also welcomed all incoming Committee members and incoming Legislators to the meeting.  Those in attendance are Representative Jaggi, Representative Quiders, Representative Wallis, Representative Dierks and Senator Von Flatern.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda.


Approval Of Minutes

A motion was made by Representative Harshman and seconded by Representative Quarberg to approve the minutes of the October 25, 2006 meeting of the Committee as presented.  The motion passed.


Hathaway Scholarship Program

Dave Nelson of LSO presented the bills to the Committee.  07LSO-0129.C1 was presented as Appendix 3.  07LSO-0130.C1 was presented as Appendix 4 and 07LSO-0131.C1 was presented as Appendix 5.  Mr. Nelson also presented the committee with Appendix 6 and Appendix 7 which are 5 amendments to 07LSO-0129.C1 and Appendix 8 which is an amendment to 07LSO-0131.C1. 


Doris Woodbury, Sublette County School District addressed the Committee.  She is concerned that the stringent curriculum requirements will put a severe strain on smaller school districts by requiring them to offer specific courses.  She indicated that this is difficult to do with a small staff. 


Joel Kuper of the WEA addressed the Committee.   Mr. Kuper presented the Committee with Appendix 9.  The WEA is once again concerned about course availability and staffing issues.  They are concerned about fairness in eligibility with career/technical courses and fine arts classes.  Recommend public hearing throughout the state on this issue.


Dr. McBride the Superintendent of Public Instruction addressed the Committee.  Dr. McBride indicated that the small school issue has been dealt with in the legislation by providing a small school waiver.  The WDE is preparing a waiver to smaller districts asking how they can help provide the success curriculum.  Dr. McBride urged the Committee to be careful when mandating equality as he thinks that this erodes local control.


Jim Lowham from NCSD#1 addressed the Committee.  Mr. Lowham encouraged the Committee to stick with the 4 years of funding.  Allow college seniors to use the funds for graduate school if they are able to get an undergraduate degree within 4 years and have eligibility remaining.  Mr. Lowham encouraged the Committee to leave the grade point average where it is at.


Dr. Rose of the WCCC addressed the Committee.  Dr. Rose urged the Committee to look favorably on amendment #1 which is Appendix 8.  Dr. Rose indicated that in some circumstances two (2) years at a community college is not enough to establish a proficiency in some programs.


Mrs. Strook a Hathaway Committee member urged the Committee to include a foreign language as a requirement for the success curriculum. 


A Motion was made by Representative McOmie and seconded by Senator Jennings for “do pass” on 07LSO-0129.C1.



Representative Harshman moved to amend the amendment.  On page 1, line 1 of amendment #1 (see appendix 6) delete “opportunity”.  Motion seconded by Representative Hammons.  After discussion the motion carried.


After discussion on the amendment the amendment fails.






After the discussion on the motion for “do pass” on 07LSO-0129.C1 the motion carried.  (see Appendix 10).


A motion for “do pass” on 07LSO-0130.C1 was made by Representative McOmie and seconded by Representative Quarberg.  The motion passed.  (see Appendix 11).


A motion for “do pass” on 07LSO-0131.C1 was made by Senator Boggs and seconded by Representative Hammons.




After a discussion on the “do pass” motion for 07LSO-0131.C1 the motion carried.  (see Appendix 12).

Rebated Recapture (Amendment B) Statutory Implementation


Dave Nelson of LSO presented the bills to the Committee.  The bills presented are 07LSO-0264.W2, Appendix 15 and 07LSO-0326.W1, Appendix 16.


Doris Woodbury, Sublette County School District #1 addressed the Committee.  She indicated to the Committee that the dollars that Pinedale has gotten from rebate/recapture have been put to good use.  She urges support of 07LSO-0264.W2.


Ward Wise a School board member from Pinedale addressed the Committee.  Their district is using rebate/recapture monies to mitigate the effect on student enrollment in the district.  They expect to at least double their enrollment within the next 3 years.  Urges phase in of the constitutional amendment.


Senator Coe moved “do pass” on bill 07LSO-0264.W2 which was seconded by Senator Jennings.



Mike O’Donnel, state’s counsel addressed the Committee. Mr. O’Donnel indicated that the Constitutional Amendment B became effective on the November 15, 2006.


Boyd Brown, Campbell County School District addressed the Committee.  Mr. Brown indicated that they understood that the Constitutional Amendment would not have an effect until the 2007-2008 school year.  He indicated that there will be six (6) school districts adversely affected.


Motion for “do pass” on 07LSP-0326 (Apppendix 37) was made by Representative Wasserberger.  The motion was seconded by Senator Jennings.


Representative Wasserberger moved to amend the bill pursuant to amendment #1 (See Appendix 38).  This motion was seconded by Representative McOmie.


A motion was made by Representative Hammons and seconded by Representative Quarberg to amend the amendment.  Representative Hammons wanted to change the date in the amendment to November 15, 2006 instead of March 15, 2007.  After discussion the motion to amend the amendment failed. 


After the discussion the motion to amend the bill passed.


After the discussion the motion for “do pass” on 07LSO-0326 passed.


Use Of One-to-One Computer Lap-Tops as Teaching Tools in Wyoming Schools and National Trends

Brian Page of Apple Computers addressed the Committee and provided the Committee with Appendix 18.  Mr. Page discussed the role of technology in learning.  Reported on the Frontier Elementary School project in Casper.  Cody also started a lap-top program.  We have to work to bring our children up to the level of the rest of the world technologically. 


Wyoming Community College Commission

Dr. Rose of the WCCC and Dave Nelson addressed the Committee.  They presented the Committee with Appendix 19 (07LSO-0231.W3), Appendix 20 (07LSO-0232.W1)  and Appendix 21 (07LSO-0276.W4).


Representative McOmie moved “do pass” on bill 07LSO-0231.W3.  The motion was seconded by Representative Quarberg.



After the discussion to motion for “do pass” carried.  (See Appendix 22).


Representative Hammons moved “do pass” on bill 07LSO-0232.W1.  The motion was seconded by Representative Quarberg.



After the discussion the motion for “do pass” carried.  (See Appendix 23)


Rick Miller of the University of Wyoming addressed the Committee regarding health insurance contributions.  Mr. Miller provided the Committee with Appendix 24.  Mr. Miller does not want health insurance monies to come out of the university’s block grant.  Their first goal is to maintain status quo.


Senator Jennings moved “do pass” on 07LSO-0276.W4.  The motion was seconded by Senator Coe. 



After discussion the motion for “do pass” carried.  (See Appendix 25).


Education/Workforce Project

Kathy Emmons director of the Department of Workforce Services addressed the Committee.  Director Emmons presented the Committee with Appendix 26.  She is talking about a concept for legislation.  The concept is to develop school training of workforce services project.  To develop specific programs and link school aged children to businesses.  This program would be a great fit for the alternative high schools. 


School District Audit Annual Report

Rich Cummings of the department of Audit addressed the Committee.  He presented the Committee with Appendix 27.  Mr. Cummings discussed with the Committee the purpose of the Audit.  When auditing school districts the focus is on the funding model.  They have completed audits of 47 or the 48 districts.  They just started the audit of the final district.  The total dollar errors, during this initial round of audits, are about $5,260,000.00.  The student tracking system is a big problem.  Vocational education is also a big problem area.  School districts are not filling out the form correctly.  Another problem area is teacher seniority.  


Department of Education Reports

Lynda Collins from the WDE addressed the committee and presented them with Appendix 28.  Currently there are 4 school districts and 12 schools participating.  This is comparable to other states that are similar in size.  Most children can be taught to be good readers.  It is more effective to deal with reading problems at a younger age.  A big compenent of the program is the statewide professional development program.  There are over 250 teachers participating in the professional development program.  They are very pleased with the program and the results.    


Mary Kay Hill, WDE addressed the Committee.  Is the funding level in the model adequate to provide for food service.  At this point they do not have current information regarding this topic.  They do not anticipate having the current information available until June of 2007.


Mary Kay Hill, WDE addressed the Committee.  The question is whether the funding provided by the model are adequate.  She indicated that the information requested by the Committee is not available at this time.  The information will probably not be available until June of 2007.


Bruce Hayes of the WDE addressed the Committeee.  Mr. Hayes presented the Commiteee with Appendix 41 and Appendix 42.  They discussed a survey with the Committee regarding school safety.  The overall feeling is that school security is lax.  Mr. Hayes also presented the Committee with the recommendations that are being made in regard to school safety.  One of the issues is in regard to emergency notification.  Currently you can use major maintenance moneies to replace security systems that are in place but you cannot use that money to install a new system.  The recommendation is to start a school safety hotline.  They are also recommending increased police visits and increased use of school resource officers and varying the officers routines.  Wyoming is looking at a wave of problems in this area in the future. 


Joe Simpson of the WDE addressed the Committee and presented the Committee with Appendix 43.  Kay Clark of WDE also addressed the Committee.  This area is stringently regulated by the federal government.  Every year the department submits an application to funding to the United States Department of Education.  The funds are dispersed to the 48 school districts in the state.  The amount of the grant is about 24 million dollars.  Wyoming being the smallest state receives the smallest grant. 


Fred Hansen addressed the Committee and presented the Committee with Appendix 29.  WDE directed to look at incorporating BIA schools into funding model.  Only one BIA school in Wyoming and it is St. Stephens.  That school is considered a BIA school receiving about 4.5 million dollars in federal funding.  The school receives no impact aid from the federal government.  They looked at 4 scenarios.  First was to incorporate into existing school district.  The second was to have the school become its own school district.  They did not have enough data to ascertain the feasibility of this option.  Third was to have St. Stephens become a charter school in an existing school district.  The fourth option is a hybrid option favored by St. Stephens school to essentially reduce BIA funding by the amount of the state guarantee of funding.  The WDE favors St. Stephens becoming a Wyoming public school or a Wyoming school district. 



Mary Kay Hill and Joe Simpson of the WDE addressed the Committee.  There are two different bills regarding at-risk.  The Committee will need to pass one or the other.  The bills were presented at the request of the Committee. 


Dave Nelson of LSO presented the bills to the Committee.  07LSO-0307.W2 (Appendix 43) is the alternative to 07LSO-0208.W2 (Appendix 44).  Mr. Nelson also presented the Committee with Appendix 45.



Motion was made by Representative Quarberg to amend 07LSO-0307.W2 by striking on page 6, line 13 “general fund” and inserting “school foundation program”.  The motion was seconded by Representative Wasserberger.  After the discussion the motion to amend passed.


After discussion the motion for “do pass” on 07LSO-0307.W2 carried.




Old business

07LSO-0267.W2 (Appendix 39) was presented to the Committee by Senator Jennings.



After the discussion the motion for “do pass” carried.  (See Appendix 31)


07LSO-0209.W3 (see Appendix 32) was presented to the Committee by Dave Nelson of LSO.  Additional information was presented to the Committee by the Legislative Service Office.  (see Appendix 33 and 34)



After the discussion the motion for “do pass” carried.  (See Appendix 35)


07LSO-0405.W1 (see Appendix 36) was presented to the Committee by Senator Jennings.



After discussion on the bill the motion was withdrawn by Senator Jennings.


07LSO-0277.W2 (Appendix 47) was presented to the Committee by Dave Nelson of LSO.


Senator Jennings moved “do pass” on 07LSO-0277.W2.  The motion was seconded by Representative Wasserberger.


Motion was made by Senator Jennings to insert on page 2, line 11 after “schools,” insert “home schools,”


After a discussion to motion to amend passed.


Motion was made by Senator Jennings to on page 4, line 22 insert after “meeting expenses,” insert “, task force members travel and per diem”.


After a discussion the motion passed.


After a discussion the motion for “do pass” on 07LSO-0277.W2 carried.  (See Appendix 51).


A motion was made by Representative Wasserberger and seconded by Senator Jennings to consolidate 209.W3, 210.C1, 277.W3 and 307.W2.


After a discussion the motion carried.


Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Co-Chairman Coe adjourned the meeting at 11:15 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Senator Coe, Co-Chairman

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