Land management program.





This bill contains an appropriation of $3,000,000 from the GENERAL FUND for the fiscal biennium ending June 30, 2008.


This bill contains an authorization of 3 Full-Time positions.


The bill authorizes the program manager of the proposed land management program to accept, receive and administer grants, gifts, loans and other funds, and issue grazing, timber harvest or other permits or licenses.


The program manager shall facilitate the creation of an agreement requiring the federal government to pay a minimum of 75% of the current cost of management of the land to be managed by the program. The program manager shall also facilitate the creation of an agreement to create a fire suppression account and require the federal government to pay at least one cent ($.01) per acre managed by the division for fire suppression. This account will contain a reserve of not less than $20 million and not more than $25 million.


It is assumed that all and/or a portion of the revenue generated as a result of the proposed land management program (e.g. timber products and land use leases, agreements and fees) will accrue to the State of Wyoming, the amount of which would be predicated on and subject to: 1) the number of acres managed and 2) the terms and provisions of the negotiated agreements between the State of Wyoming and the various federal land management agencies.


The state of Wyoming would assume a minimum of 25% of the management cost of the lands to be managed by the proposed federal land management program. This amount would be predicated on and subject to: 1) the number of acres managed and 2) the terms and provisions of the negotiated agreements between the State of Wyoming and the various federal land management agencies.


This bill is effective April 1, 2007, and will sunset January 31, 2010.




This bill has administrative impact that appears to increase (or decrease) duties or responsibilities of one or more state agencies and may impact agency spending or staffing requirements. As introduced, the bill does not modify any state agency budget or current personnel authorizations.

The following state agencies will be asked to provide their estimate of the administrative fiscal impact prior to the first committee meeting held to consider the bill:


Office of State Lands and Investments



Prepared by:   Dean Temte, LSO  Phone:   777-7881

(Info. provided by Susan Child, Office of State Lands; 777-3428