Wyoming Legislature

Committee Meeting Summary of Proceedings


Management Audit Committee


August 27, 2007

Room 302 Capitol Building

Cheyenne, Wyoming


Meeting Attendance


Committee Members Present

Senator John Schiffer, Chairman

Representative Roy Cohee, Vice Chairman


Senator John Hastert

Senator John Hines

Senator Tony Ross

Senator Kathryn Sessions


Representative Pete Illoway

Representative Marty Martin

Representative Lori Millin

Representative Monte Olsen


Committee Member Absent

Representative Rosie Berger


Legislative Service Office

Barbara J. Rogers, Program Evaluation Manager; Kelley Pelissier, Senior Program Evaluator; Lisa Jeremiah, Jim Reuss, Karla Smith, and Michael Swank, Program Evaluators.


Others Present

Please refer to Appendix 1 to review the Committee Sign-in Sheet for a list of other individuals who attended the meeting.



Written Meeting Materials and Handouts

All meeting materials and handouts provided to the Committee by the Legislative Service Office (LSO), public officials, lobbyists, and the public are referenced in the Meeting Materials Index, attached to the minutes.  These materials are on file at the LSO and are part of the official record of the meeting. 


Call To Order

Chairman Schiffer called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m.  The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic.  Please refer to Appendix 2 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda.


Approval of Minutes

Senator Ross moved to approve the minutes from the June 15, 2007 meeting.  Representative Martin seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


Executive Session

Per W.S. 28-8-107 (c), Chairman Schiffer resolved the Committee into Executive Session for consideration of a staff presentation on the draft report, Wyoming Retirement System:  Public Employee Plan.  The Committee also discussed the report’s findings and recommendations with officials from the Wyoming Retirement Board and staff. 


Open Session

Chairman Schiffer opened the meeting.  Representative Illoway moved and Senator Hines seconded a motion to release the report Wyoming Retirement System:  Public Employee Plan at noon on Wednesday, August 29, 2007.  The motion carried unanimously.  


Chairman Schiffer asked if members wished to take action with regard to the report.  Committee members agreed that at the next meeting, they will consider draft legislation being prepared for the Retirement System to increase the employer contribution rate, and to amend W.S. 9-3-443(a) by limiting the individual liability of board members.  Vice Chairman Cohee requested that the legislative liaisons ensure that the draft contains a prohibition against malfeasance by the board.  Chairman Schiffer will also send a letter to Management Council requesting that the Council designate a single legislative committee to be the recipient of WRS reports and retirement-related bills.


Information from Kid Care CHIP.   Chairman Schiffer noted that the Committee had asked WDH (Wyoming Department of Health) to report on steps it can take to improve Kid Care CHIP.  Members had expressed interest in learning about methods of encouraging families to use well-child visits, as well as means of enhancing data collection and reporting.  Patricia Guzman, Manager of Kid Care CHIP, stated that WDH is proposing to increase outreach and wellness education in three pilot communities where Kid Care CHIP can collaborate with local organizations to enroll children and promote the benefits of using preventive health care services.  She said WDH proposes developing an ad hoc reporting system that will give it more flexibility in creating and maintaining reports, and also wishes to implement an online application to enhance access to the program.


Chairman Schiffer invited Committee questions.  Following discussion, the Chairman suggested the Committee send a letter to the Joint Appropriations Committee requesting that JAC give positive consideration to the budget requests associated with these proposals.   He stated that investments in children’s health now can pay dividends later, and that Kid Care CHIP is intended to enhance children’s health and thereby their ability to learn in school.


Representative Martin moved, and Senator Hastert seconded, a motion to send a letter to JAC encouraging their favorable consideration of Kid Care CHIP budget requests to establish pilot programs, enhance data collection, and set up an online application.  Senator Ross requested separate votes, one on the matter of pilot programs and the other on data enhancement and online applications; Chairman Schiffer agreed to this.  On a voice vote, both portions of the motion were approved. 


Other Business

New topic.   Ms. Rogers advised members that staff has held an entrance conference with WYDOT and has begun developing background information for a study, as directed at the June meeting.  Chairman Schiffer noted that having released the evaluation on Retirement, the Committee needed to assign a second topic for study.  The Committee discussed several options, after which Senator Hastert moved that the second topic be Child Protective Services, with an emphasis on the state office’s monitoring of the timeliness and appropriateness of services delivered locally.  Representative Martin seconded the motion, and it carried.


Scoping Papers.  Chairman Schiffer invited Committee discussion of topic ideas around which staff will develop Scoping Papers, or background briefs.  Representative Martin stated an interest in Adult Protective Services, and Representative Illoway suggested the State’s Construction Bid Process.  Chairman Schiffer noted that members would not be selecting new Scoping Paper assignments at this meeting, and that this will be done at the next meeting. 


Next meeting.  Chairman Schiffer announced that the next meeting will be held on Monday, November 12 in Casper to consider follow-ups on earlier reports:  Foster Care (September 2005) and State-Level Education Governance (December 2005).   The follow-up on the Wyoming Business Council report will be conducted in 2008.


Meeting Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairman Schiffer adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m. 


Respectfully submitted,





Senator John Schiffer, Chairman


Wyoming Legislature

Committee Meeting Materials Index

Management Audit Committee


August 27, 2007

Room 302, Capitol Building

Cheyenne, Wyoming


All meeting materials and handouts provided to the Committee by the Legislative Service Office (LSO), public officials, lobbyists, and the public are referenced in the Meeting Materials Index.  The table below provides a summary of the materials provided to the Committee.  These materials are on file at the LSO and are part of the official record of the meeting.  Please contact the LSO at 307-777-7881 to review these documents.



Appendix Topic

Appendix Description

Appendix Provided By


Attendance summary

Lists meeting attendees other than  legislators and staff



Committee Meeting Agenda

Provides a general outline of the topics the Committee planned to address at meeting




















































































Appendix 1


List of Attendees


Executive Session


            Wyoming Retirement System

                        Tom Mann, Director

                        Harry Wales, Deputy Director

                        Polly Scott, Manager, Deferred Compensation & Communications

                        Jim Applegate, Board member

                        Ken Erickson, Board member

                        Danny Romero, Board member

                        Richard Cuthbertson, Board member

                        Michael Walden-Newman, State Treasurer’s designee to the Board


            Legislative liaisons

                        Senator Curt Meier

                        Representative Jim Slater


            Open Session


Department of Health

            Ginny Mahoney, Chief of Staff

Lee Clabots, Deputy Director of Administration         

            Greg Gruman, Administrator, Office of HealthCare Financing

            Patricia Guzman, Manager, Kid Care CHIP

            Kellie Grady, Eligibility Unit Manager, Kid Care CHIP


















Management Audit Committee

Monday, Monday, August 27, 2007

Room 302, Capitol Building



 9:00 a.m.                    Call to order

                                    Approval of minutes from June 15, 2007 meeting



9:05 a.m.                     Staff presentation of draft report on Wyoming Retirement System:  Public Employee Plan

                                    Committee questions and discussion


 10:45 a.m.                  Break



 11:00 a.m.                  WRS officials meet with Committee

                                                Tom Mann, Director, WRS

                                                Harry Wales, Deputy Director, WRS

                                                Jim Applegate, Board member and immediate past


                                                Ken Erickson, Retiree member and chairman of the

                                                            Legislative Committee

Danny Romero, Public employee member and

            chairman of the Disability Committee

Michael Walden-Newman, State Treasurer designee,

            State Treasurer’s Office CIO


                                    Committee questions

                                    Agency officials depart

                                    Committee discussion



12:00 p.m.                   Committee votes on release of Retirement report

Committee takes action related to release of report


Lunch Break



1:30 p.m.                     Information from Kid Care CHIP Program





2:30 p.m.                     Other business:

                                                Committee work session

Select new study topic

Discuss topics for new scoping paper

Date to conduct follow-up on Wyoming 

            Business Council


                                                Date and location of next meeting to consider follow-

                                                up reports

                                                            Foster Care, 9/05

                                                            State-Level Education Governance, 12/05




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