Bill No.: HB0043                  Drafter:  JHR


LSO No.:  08LSO-0035              Effective Date:  7/1/2008


Enrolled Act No.:  <enrnum>


Chapter No.:       <chptnum>


Prime Sponsor:     Representative Berger


Catch Title:       Penalties for domestic violence.


Subject:  Amends a penalty for domestic abuse offenses and provides a calculation for time periods for purposes of penalties.


Summary/Major Elements:

·         This bill:

·         Amends the potential term of probation for a domestic violence offense from the current 2 years to 3 years;

·         Clarifies that the time periods to be used for calculating enhanced penalties shall be based on the dates of the offenses, not the dates of the convictions;

·         Adds language to aid in the clarification of when the time period begins for purposes of enhanced penalties.




·         Final action on this bill was not taken at this time this summary was prepared.  Should changes be made to the bill upon final passage, an updated summary will be transmitted to all legislators.