Bill No.: HB0117                  Drafter:  JWL


LSO No.:  08LSO-0296              Effective Date:  7/1/2008


Enrolled Act No.:  <enrnum>


Chapter No.:       <chptnum>


Prime Sponsor:     Representative Harvey


Catch Title:       Developmental preschool funding.


Subject:  Clarifies process for calculating payments to service providers and preparing budget requests.


Summary/Major Elements:


·         Current law at W.S. 21-2-706(b) prescribes the method for the Developmental Disabilities Division of the Department of Health to calculate payments to service providers and to prepare its budget request to the Legislature.


·         This act amends the method by:


·  Changing the date for counting eligible children from December 1 to November 1;


·  Directing the Division, beginning with FY2010, to prepare an exception budget request sufficient to adjust provider payments by the same external cost adjustment factor used in calculating school foundation program distributions to school districts;


·  Reciting legislative intent that the external cost adjustments for inflation be cumulative.




· Final action on this bill was not taken at the time this summary was prepared.  Should changes be made to the bill upon final passage, an updated summary will be transmitted to all legislators.