Bill No.: SF0038                Drafter:  IDS


LSO No.:  08LSO-0173            Effective Date:


Enrolled Act No.:  SEA0043


Chapter No.:      


Prime Sponsor:     Senator Case


Catch Title:       People first language.


Subject:  Changing statutory language to concentrate on a person rather than a person's disability.


Summary/Major Elements:

·         The legislation amends descriptive terms used in the Wyoming statutes for persons with cognitive disabilities and other conditions to place more focus on the person rather than their condition.


·         For example, the legislation changes the term "mental retardation" to "a person with an intellectual disability," changes "the mentally ill" to "a person with a mental illness" and changes "handicap" to "disability."


·         The legislation defines "intellectual disability" to mean the clinical diagnosis traditionally known as mental retardation.


·         Requires agencies to use language that focuses on the importance of a person rather than a person's disabilities.


·         Defines the term "intermediate care facility for people with intellectual disability" to be the equivalent of an "intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded" or "ICFMR" as the later term is used in federal law and other rules and regulations.




·         Popular name – People first bill.