Bill No.: SF0063                  Drafter:  MDO


LSO No.:  08LSO-0293              Effective Date:  


Enrolled Act No.:  SEA0028


Chapter No.:      


Prime Sponsor:     Select Natural Resource Funding Committee


Catch Title:       Natural resource large project funding.


Subject:  Provides authorization and funding for large projects (those projects which receive a total grant of $200,000 or more from the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust Account Board) approved in 2008 and amends funding for previously approved projects.


Summary/Major Elements:


2008 New Large Projects (and authorized appropriation)

Lake DeSmet Grasslands ($235,000)

Wyoming Range Aspen Enhancement ($260,000)

Diamond H Easement ($300,000)

Thunder Basin Grasslands ($300,000)

Carney Ranch Easement ($200,000)

North Laramie Range Restoration ($200,000)

Kirby Creek Watershed ($200,000)

Cross Lazy Two Easement ($400,000)

Yellowtail CRM II ($200,000)

Ladder Livestock Easement ($300,000)

Shirley Basin Grasslands III ($247,420)


Previous Large Projects Amended

Bates Creek Watershed Restoration (an additional $100,000 appropriated in 2008, $200,000 appropriated in 2007)

Lander Front Mule Deer Project (provides that the 2007 authorized appropriation of $230,000 shall revert on June 30, 2011 instead of June 30, 2012).





·         See also the Wildlife and Natural Resource Funding Amendments bill, SF 69, which clarifies/modifies legislative approval for large and small project grants.