Bill No.: SF0087                     Drafter:  LGC


LSO No.:   08LSO-0295                 Effective Date:  7/1/2008


Enrolled Act No.:    SEA0032


Chapter No.:        


Prime Sponsor:       Senator Mockler


Catch Title:         Capitol building restoration.


Subject:                Creates a task force to oversee design, planning and construction of rehabilitation and restoration of the capital building.


Summary/Major Elements:


·         The act creates a task force made up of a representative of each of the five statewide elected officials, one member of the house and a member of the public appointed by the speaker of the house, one member of the senate and a member appointed by the president of the senate, a staff member from the state historic preservation office and a member of the public appointed by the governor.


·         The task force will oversee the design, planning and construction of rehabilitation and restoration of the Wyoming state capitol building.The task force will develop rehabilitation and restoration priorities, contract for the performance of any function of its duties, report its findings and recommendations to the state building commission, management council and the joint appropriations committee.


·         The task force is to submit specific project recommendations to the legislature and recommend statutory changes to management council necessary to implement project recommendations.*


·         The task force is tasked with completing the restoration and rehabilitation design and plan by December 31, 2012* and the task force will terminate on that date.  The act appropriates $27,000,000 from previous appropriations to be used for the restoration and rehabilitation.


·         The task force is not subject to the provisions of W.S. 9-5-106 through 9-5-108 which requires oversight by the state building commission.*




· Report Required:  The act requires periodic reports from the task force to management council and the joint appropriations committee.

· Contains delayed effective/repeal date:  The act terminates the task force on December 31, 2012.

·  Line item veto:  Provisions noted with an asterisk (*) were line item vetoed by the governor on March 14, 2008.  The veto letter indicated that the governor did not agree with the short time frame for completion nor with the lack of oversight by the state building commission.