Standard Budget:                 $25,000


Priority # 1         Cultural Heritage Tourism


This interim topic will look at balancing  protection of state cultural resources with the growing trend of cultural heritage tourism.  The study will include discussion and development of a plan for cultural heritage tourism in Wyoming with particular attention to protection, development, interpretation and promotion of the state owned cultural sites including isolated resources such as Legend Rock petroglyph site, Point of Rocks station , Piedmont Charcoal Kilns, Ames Monument and Ft. Fred Steele.  Possibilities such as the establishment of pilot projects and the design and designation of cultural tourism regions or "cultural corridors" featuring these cultural treasures will be considered. [Note:  The underlined language was added by Management Council]


Priority # 2         Regulation of antler hunting.


The Game and Fish Commission has authority to regulate the take of all wildlife in the state, excluding predatory animals and predacious birds, but an attorney general's opinion issued several years ago found that the commission does not have adequate authority to regulate the collection of shed antlers and horns.  The committee will review the commission's statutory authority to regulate antler and horn hunting and propose statutory changes needed to allow the Commission to open and close antler and horn hunting seasons.


Priority # 3         Regulation of the use of immunocontraceptives in wildlife.


Current statutes do not appear to give the Game and Fish Commission authority to regulate the use of chemicals or biological substances given to wildlife for fertility control.  A new immunocontraceptive has been developed that can render female cervids (elk, deer and moose) infertile for up to four years.  The committee will review the Commission's statutory authority to regulate the use of such immunocontraceptives on wildlife, proposing any statutory changes necessary to allow the Commission to protect wildlife resources with respect to these chemicals or biological substances.


Priority # 4         Wyoming Arts Council Statutes.


Clarification has been requested regarding the use of general fund appropriations to the Wyoming Arts Council for grants.  These arts related grants are made to the public through non-profit organizations, schools, government entities and artists.  Several misunderstandings about the Arts Council's authority and their role in  the granting structure have occurred due to vague language in the existing statute.  The committee will review those statutes and the role of the Arts Council and bring legislation to remove that vagueness.  The study will also look at the statutes providing for works of art in public buildings to determine if statutory changes are necessary to fulfill the goals of the program.


Priority # 5         Multi-state Lottery.


The Committee will create a subcommittee to study the issue of a multi-state lottery system. [This additional study was approved by Management Council in July, 2008]


Tentative Meeting Schedule.


The committee plans to meet for three two-day meetings: 1) late April or early May, 2) early July and 3) late August or early September.