Standard Budget:                   $7,500


Priority # 1         General Responsibilities


Created by Management Council, the Select Committee on Tribal Relations works with the Eastern Shoshone Indian Tribe, the Northern Arapaho Indian Tribe and various state agencies, in addressing services and needs on the Wind River Reservation.  The Committee addresses health and safety, water (including potable water to homes), education, transportation, gaming, communications, minerals, revenue, economic development and other issues that are a concern to the citizens on and near the Reservation.  The Committee receives and will review reports from the Tribes on the expenditure of contractual amounts as required under Wyoming statute.



Priority # 2         State-Tribal Study


2007 Session Laws, Chapter 136, Section 339 tasked the Tribal Relations Committee with conducting a study of the current and potential funding and provision of government services to tribal entities and citizens of Wyoming who are also members of the Eastern Shoshone Indian Tribe or the Northern Arapaho Indian Tribe.  The study is to identify all areas where the state is contracting with or currently providing services or funding to the tribal entities. The Report is due to the legislature by June 30, 2008.


Priority # 3         Education


The Committee will gather information regarding the public education of members of the Shoshone Indian Tribe and the Northern Arapaho Indian Tribe and identify means of sustaining and/or improving the quality of education.  The Committee may consider funding availability, funding models and school strategic plans.


Priority # 4         Juvenile Justice


The Committee will consider the juvenile justice system on the Wind River Indian Reservation and will consider means of improving the system to provide necessary services.  The Committee also will consider related issues from the Department of Family Services and the Department of Health.


Priority # 5         Infrastructure


The Committee will continue to monitor and facilitate the provision of state services on the Wind River Indian Reservation.  Such services include ongoing projects by the Wyoming Department of Transportation, the Public Service Commission, the State Engineer and the Wyoming Water Development Office.


Tentative Meeting Schedule


The Committee anticipates having three, one and one-half day meetings; one meeting in May or early June, one meeting in September and one meeting in November.  The November meeting will be an expanded meeting designed to provide an opportunity for state, local and tribal leaders to exchange ideas and discuss current issues.  The Committee will focus on maximizing attendance at the meeting and will seek is authorized an additional $7,500 per diem and travel expense funding to allow twenty (20) additional legislators to attend the meeting. [Note: Modified by Management Council]