

That Substitute No. 1 be substituted for SF0018 and that Substitute No. 1 DO Pass.  SCOTT, CHAIRMAN






Page 1-line 2      Delete "restrict" insert "regulate".


Page 2-line 2      After "systems" insert "." and delete balance of line.


Page 2-line 3      Delete.


Page 2-line 17     After "systems" insert "." and delete balance of line.


Page 2-line 18     Delete.  CASE, CHAIRMAN






Page 2-after line 3     Insert:   "Any ordinance adopted pursuant to this paragraph shall not prevent the use of lighting reasonably necessary for the production of mineral resources or for the safety and security of mineral production sites.".


Page 2-after line 18    Insert:   "Any resolution adopted pursuant to this paragraph shall not prevent the use of lighting reasonably necessary for the production of mineral resources or for the safety and security of mineral production sites.".  VON FLATERN





Page 2-line 4      After "shall" insert "not exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) and shall".  SCOTT, CHAIRMAN






Delete the First Senate Standing Committee Amendment (SF0108SS001/A) entirely and further amend as follows:


Page 1-line 9      Delete "six hundred thousand" insert "one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000.00)".


Page 1-line 10     Delete "dollars ($600,000.00)".  NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN







Page 1-line 16     After "program for" insert "existing or proposed new".  BEBOUT






Page 1-line 2      Delete "for a".


Page 1-line 3      Delete "preexisting condition".


Page 1-line 8      Delete "(B)(intro)" insert "(A)".


Page 2-lines 8 through 14    Delete and insert:


"(A)  Each person covered under the prior carrier's plan shall be eligible for complete coverage in accordance with the succeeding carrier's plan of benefits, which shall include coverage for ninety (90) days for any complications caused as a result of a condition for which benefits were paid under the prior plan within ninety (90) days prior to termination of that plan.  Copayment and deductible levels for coverage required under this subparagraph may be reduced to the levels provided by the succeeding carrier's plan;".  CASE, CHAIRMAN






Page 1-line 3      Delete "providing a penalty" insert "amending archaic language".


Page 2-line 7      Delete.


Page 2-line 8      Delete "this section,".


Page 3-lines 4 through 8          Delete.  LARSON, CHAIRMAN





Page 1-line 12     After "(a)" delete balance of line.


Page 1-line 13     Delete "supervision" insert "With the approval"; after "committee" insert ", the legislative service office".


Page 2-line 2      Delete "shall" insert "may".


Page 2-line 3      Delete "in person" insert "as needed".


Page 2–line 4      After "surveys" insert "." and delete balance of line.


Page 2-line 5      Delete.


Page 2–line 9      Delete "November" insert "December"; delete "report" insert "committee".


Page 2-line 10     After "shall" insert "determine the content and scope of the report and may consider the following items".


Page 3-line 1      After "improving" insert "basic"; delete "comprehension" insert "skills of vocabulary, comprehension and fluency".


Page 3-line 10     Delete "27-3-401" insert "21-3-401".


Page 3-line 22     Delete "." insert ";".


Page 3-after line 22    Insert and renumber:


"(vii)  Review the ability of the statewide assessment tests in assessing the reading abilities of students in grades three (3) and four (4)."  COE, CHAIRMAN






That Substitute No. 1 be substituted for SF0135 and that Substitute No. 1 Do Pass.  LARSON, CHAIRMAN





Page 2-line 14     After "act." insert "The department may print a health care professions statistical handbook and assess a fee to cover the cost of printing.".


Page 2-lines 21 through 24   Delete and renumber.


Page 3-lines 1 through 8          Delete.


Page 3-line 10     Delete "(c)" insert "(b)".  NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN





Page 11-line 19    After "omissions" insert ", except that any hospital, person licensed under the Medical Practice Act, nurse, prehospital emergency medical personnel or any of their agents shall remain liable as otherwise provided by law for his or its own actions which are independent of the actions and omissions of the midwife".


Page 11-line 24    After "midwife" insert "but shall remain liable as otherwise provided by law for his or its own actions".  SCOTT, ROSS





Page 8-after line 5     Insert and renumber:


"(h)  The practice of midwifery in Wyoming prior to the effective date of this act shall not constitute grounds for the board to deny licensure to or to discipline any person who otherwise qualifies for licensure under this act.".


Page 11-line 10    Delete "(a)".


Page 12-lines 2 through 5    Delete and renumber.  SCOTT






Page 4–line 9      After "Law" delete ",".


Page 4–line 10     After "section" insert ",".


Page 4–line 11     After "revenue" delete ",".


Page 4–line 12     After "section" delete ",".  NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN






Page 1–lines 13 through 15   Delete and insert:


"WHEREAS, there are two hundred three thousand (203,000) acres of occupied black tailed prairie dog habitat over public and private lands in Wyoming; and


WHEREAS, the occupied black tailed prairie dog habitat is one hundred three thousand (103,000) acres over the objective habitat area set by the Wyoming game and fish department; and


WHEREAS, although the plague is currently active in the thunder basin national grasslands in northeastern Wyoming, the plague is only affecting seven percent (7%) of Wyoming's total acreage of black tailed prairie dogs, leaving ninety-three percent (93%) of the Wyoming black tailed prairie dog population thriving; and".


Page 2–line 14     After "Wyoming" delete balance of line and insert "finds that the substantial scientific or commercial information demonstrates that the black tailed prairie dog population has been increasing for the past four (4) decades.".


Page 2–lines 15 and 16 Delete.  GEIS, CHAIRMAN