Child health insurance program.




This bill contains an appropriation of $647,180 from the GENERAL FUND.

This bill contains an appropriation of $187,907 from the FEDERAL FUNDS.

This bill contains an authorization of 1 Full-Time position.


Discussion of appropriation:

The passage of this bill will require the Kid Care CHIP program to implement and run a program for additional children, parents of children enrolled in the program and a buy-in program for children above 300% FPL.  This expenditure is for case service expenditures, which is the cost of the payment of premiums to insurance companies.  


Assumptions: Case service expenditures are based on incremental enrollment of children in each of the two poverty level groups and incremental enrollment of parents.


Children 201% to 250% FPL:  Growth estimated at 15 children per month @ $200 per member per month (PMPM) for SFY 2010 resulting in General Fund total of $81,900 and Federal Fund total of $152,100; $212 PMPM for SFY 2011 resulting in General Fund total of $247,086 and Federal Fund total of $458,847; $225 PMPM for SFY 2012 resulting in General Fund total of $432,337 and Federal Fund total of $802,913.  All funding for this poverty level group is Federal 65% and General 35% funds.


Children 251% to 300% FPL:  Growth estimated at 10 children per month @$200 per member per month for SFY 2010 resulting in General Fund total of $156,000; $212 PMPM for SFY 2011 resulting in General Fund total of $470,640; $225 PMPM for SFY 2012 resulting in General Fund total of $823,500.  All funding for this poverty level group is General Fund only.


Parents up to 200% FPL:  Growth estimated at 25 parents per month @ $200 PMPM for SFY 2010 resulting in General Fund total of $390,000, @ $200 PMPM for 2011 resulting in General Fund total of $1,176,600 and @ $200 PMPM for 2012 resulting in General Fund total of $2,058,750.   All funding for the parents is General Funds only.


The funding for the one authorized position will be $35,807 Federal Funds and $19,280 General Funds.




This bill has administrative impact that appears to increase duties or responsibilities of one state agency and may impact agency spending or staffing requirements.

The following state agencies will be asked to provide their estimate of the administrative fiscal impact prior to the first committee meeting held to consider the bill:

Department of Health

Prepared by:   Alex Kean, LSO   Phone: 777-7881

(Information provided by:Patricia Guzman, Dept. of Health  Phone: 777-6228)