Bill No.:          SF0088                                               Drafter:  IDS


LSO No.:        09LSO-0020                                       Effective Date:  7/1/2009


Enrolled Act No.:      SEA0084


Chapter No.:              160


Prime Sponsor:          Senator Perkins


Catch Title:                Required use of ignition interlock devices.


Subject:          Driving under the influence


Summary/Major Elements:


The act amends Wyoming's ignition interlock device laws and creates new procedures for operation of the ignition interlock restricted license program.  The act:


·         Establishes that persons committing aggravated homicide by vehicle are not allowed to have an ignition interlock restricted license.

·         Amends the law to make the ignition interlock program mandatory, rather than voluntary.

·         Defines the length of time an offender must use an interlock device, dependent upon the number of convictions received.

·         Applies the act to driving under the influence violations by youthful drivers.

·         Applies the act to persons who refuse to consent to chemical testing.

·         Requires the use of ignition interlock service providers who install, maintain and report interlock devices.

·         Requires the department of transportation to promulgate new rules consistent with the revised operation of the program.

·         Makes an appropriation and establishes a system to pay for indigent persons to participate in the program.

·         Defines on which vehicles an interlock device must be installed, including all vehicles the licensee will drive, except work vehicles used during normal business activities.

·         Allows the department of transportation to revoke an interlock device restricted license for violations of the program's mandates and where the licensee is habitually attempting to operate a vehicle while impaired.

·         Establishes crimes for persons who try to defeat an interlock device or who aid others in defeating a device.





**Final action on this bill was not taken at the time this summary was prepared.  Should changes be made to the bill upon final passage, an updated summary will be transmitted to all legislators.