Bill No.: SF0106                  Drafter:  JWL


LSO No.:  09LSO-0414              Effective Date:  7/1/2009


Enrolled Act No.:  SEA0086


Chapter No.:       166


Prime Sponsor:     Senator Hastert


Catch Title:       Medication disposal program.


Subject:  Expands drug donation program to allow acceptance of drugs for disposal.


Summary/Major Elements:


·         The 2005 Legislature enacted a program (W.S. 35-7-1601 through 1606) for the donation of unopened, sealed prescription drugs for redispensing under Medicaid.


·         This act:

o       Expands the drug donation program to also accept expired or unused drugs for disposal;

o       Authorizes the Department of Health to maintain a central collection facility, regional collection facilities and to conduct drug "take back events" around the state;

o       Directs the Department to conduct public education regarding proper drug disposal and to maintain procedures for environmentally safe disposal of unused medications;

o       Prohibits the redispensing of a drug donated under the program within two months of its expiration date and requires the Internet posting of drugs available for redispensing;

o       Amends the standard for civil and criminal immunity under the program from "reasonable care" to "absence of bad faith"

o       Appropriates $66,504 general funds and authorizes one new position to Dept. of Health for the drug donation and disposal program.



·                     Final action on this bill was not taken at the time this summary was prepared.  Should changes be made to the bill upon final passage, an updated summary will be transmitted to all legislators.