H.B. No. 0017

Carbon sequestration-financial assurances and regulation.


Sponsored By:        Joint Judiciary Interim Committee


AN ACT relating to environmental quality; establishing an account; funding the account; requiring fees by specified permit applicants; regulating the expenditure of funds; requiring rulemaking; providing for the state's immunity; requiring bonding or other financial assurances; providing penalties; providing for the release of financial assurances; requiring land owner notice of geological sequestration sites; repealing obsolete provisions; providing an appropriation; authorizing the filling and reclassification of a vacant position; and providing for effective dates.


12/28/2009  Bill Number Assigned

2/8/2010    H Received for Introduction

2/8/2010    H Introduced and Referred to H01



Ayes:  Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Byrd, Cannady, Carson, Childers, Cohee, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Diercks, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hales, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kimble, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Millin, Moniz, Patton, Peasley, Pedersen, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Simpson, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Thompson, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused:  Representative(s) Hallinan, Jorgensen and Philp

Ayes 57    Nays 0    Excused 3    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/9/2010    H01 Recommended Do Pass



Ayes:  Representative(s) Bagby, Barbuto, Blikre, Cannady, Gingery, Patton, Peasley, Quarberg and Throne

Ayes 9    Nays 0    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/9/2010    H Rereferred to H02

2/11/2010   H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass



Ayes:  Representative(s) Berger, Hammons, Harshman, Jorgensen, Pedersen and Steward

Excused:  Representative(s) Philp

Ayes 6    Nays 0    Excused 1    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/11/2010   H Placed on General File



Page 9-line 4           Delete "standard" insert "exception".  BERGER, CHAIRMAN



Page 1–line 9           Delete "a" insert "the filling and reclassification of a vacant".

Page 8-line 17          After "authorized" insert "to be reclassified and filled".

Page 8-line 21          Delete "one (1) full-time equivalent position".

Page 8-line 22          Delete "for a financial analyst" insert "to reclassify one (1) computer technology support specialist full-time equivalent position which is vacant as of the effective date of this act to a principal accountant full-time equivalent position".

Page 9-after line 5           Insert:

"(c)  The authorization under paragraph (a)(ii) of this section to reclassify and fill the vacant position shall not be considered to be the filling of a vacant position for purposes of section 314 of 2010 House Bill 0001.  The appropriation in paragraph (a)(i) of this section shall be reduced dollar for dollar by any funds appropriated in 2010 House Bill 0001 to the department for the vacant position reclassified pursuant to this section.". BERGER


2/12/2010   H Passed CoW

2/15/2010   H Passed 2nd Reading

2/16/2010   H Passed 3rd Reading



Ayes:  Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Byrd, Cannady, Carson, Childers, Cohee, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Esquibel, K., Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hales, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Kimble, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Millin, Moniz, Patton, Peasley, Pedersen, Petersen, Quarberg, Roscoe, Shepperson, Simpson, Steward, Stubson, Thompson, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays:  Representative(s) Diercks, Jaggi, Miller, Semlek and Teeters

Excused:  Representative(s) Hallinan, Jorgensen and Philp

Ayes 52    Nays 5    Excused 3    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/17/2010   S Received for Introduction

2/17/2010   S Introduced and Referred to S01

2/22/2010   S01 Recommended Do Pass



Ayes:  Senator(s) Burns, Meyer, Perkins, Ross and Sessions

Ayes 5    Nays 0    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/22/2010   S Placed on General File

2/23/2010   S Rereferred to S02

2/25/2010   S02 Recommended Do Pass



Ayes:  Senator(s) Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Peterson and Townsend

Ayes 5    Nays 0    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/25/2010   S Placed on General File

2/26/2010   S Passed CoW

3/1/2010    S Passed 2nd Reading

3/2/2010    S Passed 3rd Reading



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, J., Bebout, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Elliott, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hines, Johnson, Landen, Larson, Martin, Massie, Meier, Meyer, Nicholas, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Von Flatern

Nays:  Senator(s) Case, Geis, Hunnicutt and Jennings

Ayes 26    Nays 4    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


3/2/2010    Assigned Number HEA No. 0026

3/2/2010    H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0026

3/3/2010    S President Signed HEA No. 0026

3/5/2010    Governor Signed HEA No. 0026

3/8/2010    Assigned Chapter Number


Chapter No. 0052  Session Laws of Wyoming 2010