Bill Status Report: Explanation


A.        Purpose of the Report. There are a number of steps in the Legislative process that each bill must pass through in order to become an enacted law. Updated after adjournment each day of the Session, the Bill Status Report (commonly referred to as the "Purple Sheet") may be used to find out how far a particular bill has progressed through the Legislative process.


Note: While the Legislature is in Session, members of the public can also obtain bill status information by calling the Bill Status Hotline toll-free within Wyoming at 1-800-342-9570.  Out-of-State callers should dial 307-777-6185 for this service.


B.  Steps in the Legislative Process.  Generally speaking, each House Bill or Senate File must pass through the following steps:


Using the Bill Status Report you can locate what stage or step a particular bill has reached in this process.


C.  How to Read the Bill Status Report.


D.        Special Notes:

             1.         A bill assigned to a standing committee of the House or Senate may remain there for a number of days awaiting consideration by the Standing Committee.  To find out when a bill will be scheduled for hearing in Standing Committee check the "Committee Meeting Calendars" on this Web site.

             2.         A bill may similarly remain on General File for several days prior to being scheduled for consideration by the Committee of the Whole.  If time runs short, the bill may, in fact, never be considered in Committee of the Whole.

             3.         Once a bill is considered in Committee of the Whole it will normally be taken up on Second and Third reading on the next two consecutive days of the Session.

             4.         A bill assigned to a standing committee will be "reported out" of the standing committee and placed on General File, only if the standing committee adopts one of the following positive motions:

If none of these motions is made on the bill in Committee, of if one of the foregoing positive motions is made in the standing committee but fails, the bill will remain in the Standing Committee's possession until the end of the session and will continue to be listed in the Bill Status Report as "Introduced and Referred to ___".

             5.         At a certain point during the Session a "cutoff" date is established for bills to be considered in Committee of the Whole. Absent some extraordinary circumstance, bills still in committee or otherwise missing this cutoff will generally receive no further action during the session.

             6.         Beginning around mid-session, the Bill Status Report (Purple Sheet) lists bills in the following order: (1) Active Bills; (2) Enrolled Acts; and (3) Inactive Bills.  "Inactive Bills" are those that have failed, missed a cut-off deadline for consideration, or will otherwise not move forward in the legislative process absent some extraordinary action.


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