

Page 2-line 14                          After "bonds." insert "In no case shall the board approve supplemental coverage for bonds if the sale of the bonds would reduce the ratio of university pledged revenue that is available for debt servicing to the cost of interest and principal payments to a level of less than two and five tenths (2.5) to one (1).".  NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN






Page 1-line 2                            After "specified;" insert "specifying application;".


Page 1-line 7                            After "(v)," insert "by creating a new paragraph (vi),".


Page 1-line 8                            After "(v)" insert ", by creating a new paragraph (vi)"; delete second "and" insert ","; after "(ii)" insert "and by creating a new paragraph (iii)".


Page 2-line 1                            After "(v)" delete balance of line.


Page 2-line 3                            Delete "(A)".


Page 2-line 12                          Reinsert stricken "paragraph" insert ";".


Page 2-line 13                          Delete and insert:


"(vi)  Effective school year 2013‑2014 and each school year thereafter, one (1) of the following:".


Page 2-line 15                          Delete "(B)" insert "(A)".


Page 2-line 20                          Delete "(C)" insert "(B)".


Page 3-line 7                            After "(v)" delete balance of line; insert "Except as provided in paragraph (vi) of this subsection,".


Page 3-line 9                            Delete "(A)".


Page 3-line 14                          Delete "or".


Page 3-lines 16 through 24       Delete and insert:


"(vi)  Effective school year 2013‑2014 and each school year thereafter, and in lieu of paragraph (v) of this subsection, one (1) of the following:


(A)  Foreign language - two (2) sequenced years of the same foreign language which need not be taken consecutively, at least one (1) of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12). Two (2) sequenced years of instruction in the native language of the Eastern Shoshone or the Northern Arapaho, or two (2) sequenced years of instruction in American sign language, either of which need not be taken consecutively but at least one (1) year of which is taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12), may be taken in fulfillment of this paragraph; or


(B)  Fine and performing arts – two (2) years of instruction in fine and performing arts, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12); or


(C)  Career–vocational education – two (2) years of instruction in career-vocational education, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12).".


Page 4-line 9                            After "(ii)" insert "Except as provided in paragraph (iii) of this subsection,".


Page 4-line 10                          Delete ":".


Page 4-line 12                          Delete "(A)".


Page 4-line 15                          Delete "or".


Page 4-lines 17 through 23       Delete and insert:


"(iii)  Effective school year 2013‑2014 and each school year thereafter, and in lieu of paragraph (ii) of this subsection, instruction in one (1) of the following:


(A)  Foreign language - two (2) sequenced years of the same foreign language which need not be taken consecutively, at least one (1) of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12). Two (2) sequenced years of instruction in the native language of the Eastern Shoshone or the Northern Arapaho, or two (2) sequenced years of instruction in American sign language, either of which need not be taken consecutively but at least one (1) year of which is taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12), may be taken in fulfillment of this paragraph; or


(B)  Fine and performing arts – two (2) years of instruction in fine and performing arts, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12); or


(C)  Career–vocational education – two (2) years of instruction in career-vocational education, all of which shall be taken in grades nine (9) through twelve (12).".  COE, CHAIRMAN






Page 2-after line 6                                Insert and renumber:


            "Section 2.  The department of state parks and cultural resources shall coordinate with the state chief information officer to jointly develop the uniform standard of electronic record keeping for all state records. A phased approach for implementing the state's electronic records management system will be planned, documented and approved by the chief information officer prior to the expenditure of funds.  All state agencies shall participate under this section. Agencies shall participate through existing committees or the department and chief information officer can jointly establish a separate committee for the purposes of electronic record management system coordination.  The chief information officer shall review and update promulgated rules 6560 through 6565 on electronic records to support the implementation of the state's electronic records management system as needed.".  NICHOLAS, CHAIRMAN









Page 2-line 20                          After "will" insert "likely".


Page 3-line 2                            After "will" insert "likely".


Page 3-line 14                          After "will" insert "likely".


Page 3-line 20                          After "will" insert "likely".  CASE, CHARIMAN









Page 3-line 5                            Delete "January 1, 1972" insert "May 13, 1968".  COOPER, ROSS








Page 4-line 8                            Delete ""Principal" insert ""Principal". BEBOUT







Page 3-line 3                            After "edition" insert ", as amended,".


Page 4-line 13                          After "edition" insert ", as amended,".  HINES, CHAIRMAN







Page 4-line 4                            Delete "specify the format for"; insert "the format for applying for".  HINES, CHAIRMAN








Page 4-line 2                            Delete "direct" insert "directly". PERKINS