H.B. No. 0241 |
School districts-assessments. |
Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman
and Burkhart and Senator(s) Landen
AN ACT relating to student
assessments; phasing out use of school district body of evidence systems for
establishing high school graduation requirements; providing for further study
and subsequent legislation; and providing for an effective date.
1/27/2011 Bill
Number Assigned
1/28/2011 H
Received for Introduction
1/28/2011 H
Introduced and Referred to H04
2/4/2011 H04
Recommended Amend and Do Pass
Representative(s) Brechtel, Burkhart, Connolly, Freeman, Kroeker, Krone,
Loucks, Madden and Teeters
Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused
0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0
2/4/2011 H Placed on General File
That Substitute No. 1 for HB0241
2/7/2011 H Passed CoW
2/8/2011 H Passed 2nd
2/9/2011 H Passed 3rd
Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten,
Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers,
Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery,
Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik,
Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz,
Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe,
Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis and Zwonitzer, Dv.
Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Dn.
Representative(s) Shepperson
Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused
1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0
2/10/2011 S
Received for Introduction
2/10/2011 S Introduced and
Referred to S04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff
3/2/2011 S
Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)