S.F. No. 0023

Mail ballot elections.


Sponsored By:     Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee


AN ACT relating to elections; providing for special mail ballot elections after an election is declared null and void; providing procedures for special mail ballot elections; and providing for an effective date.


12/13/2010        Bill Number Assigned

1/11/2011         S Received for Introduction

1/11/2011         S Introduced and Referred to S07

1/13/2011         S07 Recommended Do Pass



Ayes:  Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson and Martin

Nays:  Senator(s) Scott

Ayes 4    Nays 1    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


1/13/2011         S Placed on General File

1/14/2011         S Passed CoW



Page 7-line 16          After "clerk" insert "or by the secretary of state if the election involves more than one (1) county".  HINES


1/17/2011         S Passed 2nd Reading



Page 5-after line 22    Insert:

"(c)  If any special mail ballot packet mailed under paragraph (b)(i) of this section to a physical address, not including a post office box, is returned by the postal service, the county clerk, or the secretary of state if the election involves more than one (1) county, shall investigate the validity of the address.  If the county clerk or secretary of state determines that the address is not at a location that a voter could habitate, the county clerk or secretary of state shall remove the address from the registration records until the county clerk or secretary of state receives proof that the address is habitable by a voter.".  JENNINGS


1/18/2011         S Passed 3rd Reading



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays:  Senator(s) Perkins and Scott

Ayes 28    Nays 2    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


1/21/2011         H Received for Introduction

1/31/2011         H Introduced and Referred to H07

2/7/2011          H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass



Ayes:  Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Patton, Roscoe, Shepperson and Stubson

Ayes 9    Nays 0    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/7/2011          H Placed on General File



Page 6-lines 1 through 12     Delete entirely.  ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN


2/8/2011          H Passed CoW

2/9/2011          H Passed 2nd Reading

2/10/2011         H Passed 3rd Reading



Ayes:  Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Craft, Davison, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Greear, Greene, Harshman, Harvey, Hunt, Illoway, Jaggi, Kasperik, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Peasley, Pederson, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Steward, Stubson, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Excused:  Representative(s) Shepperson

Ayes 59    Nays 0    Excused 1    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/11/2011         S Received for Concurrence

2/11/2011         S Did Not Concur



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, Burns, Case, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Hastert, Hines, Johnson, Martin, Nutting, Rothfuss and Schiffer

Nays:  Senator(s) Bebout, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Geis, Hicks, Jennings, Landen, Meier, Nicholas, P., Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Scott and Von Flatern

Excused:  Senator(s) Barnard

Ayes 13    Nays 16    Excused 1    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/11/2011         S Appointed  JCC01 Members

                  Senator(s) Case, Hastert, Scott

2/14/2011         H Appointed JCC01 Members

                  Representative(s) Illoway, Brown, Byrd

2/18/2011         S Adopted SF0023JC01



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, Barnard, Bebout, Burns, Case, Christensen, Coe, Cooper, Dockstader, Driskill, Emerich, Esquibel, F., Geis, Hastert, Hicks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Landen, Martin, Meier, Nicholas, P., Nutting, Perkins, Peterson, Ross, Rothfuss, Schiffer and Von Flatern

Nays:  Senator(s) Scott

Ayes 29    Nays 1    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/22/2011         H Adopted SF0023JC01



Ayes:  Representative(s) Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Blikre, Bonner, Botten, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Burkhart, Byrd, Campbell, Cannady, Childers, Connolly, Edmonds, Eklund, Esquibel, K., Freeman, Goggles, Greear, Harshman, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker, Krone, Lockhart, Loucks, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Moniz, Nicholas, B., Patton, Petersen, Petroff, Quarberg, Roscoe, Semlek, Shepperson, Steward, Teeters, Throne, Vranish, Wallis, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv.

Nays:  Representative(s) Stubson

Excused:  Representative(s) Craft, Davison, Gay, Gingery, Greene, Harvey, Hunt, Kasperik, Miller, Peasley and Pederson

Ayes 48    Nays 1    Excused 11    Absent 0    Conflicts 0



Delete the following House amendments:


Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows:

Page 6-line 8           Delete "habitate" insert "inhabit".CASE, HASTERT, SCOTT, ILLOWAY, BROWN, BYRD


2/22/2011         Assigned Number SEA No. 0049

2/22/2011         S President Signed SEA No. 0049

2/22/2011         H Speaker Signed SEA No. 0049

2/24/2011         Governor Signed SEA No. 0049

2/24/2011         Assigned Chapter Number


Chapter No. 0076  Session Laws of Wyoming 2011