Bill No.: SF0089                  Drafter:  JHR


LSO No.:  11LSO-0360              Effective Date:  7/1/2011


Enrolled Act No.:  SEA0047


Chapter No.:       68


Prime Sponsor:     Senator Ross


Catch Title:       Adult protective services.


Subject:  Protective services provided to vulnerable adults who have been abused.


Summary/Major Elements:


·        The act clarifies that the Department of Family Services will not act as a caregiver for vulnerable adults who have been abused or neglected, but may facilitate the provision of services to the vulnerable adult.


·        The act expands the definition of abuse to include abuse by a person of trust or authority, and to include sexual abuse, intimidation and exploitation.


·        The act expands the definition of exploitation to include misuse of property and abuse of a duty under a power of attorney, conservatorship or guardianship.


·        The act defines sexual abuse as it relates to the abuse of vulnerable adults.  The definition includes sexual contact including unwanted touching.


·        The act clarifies that notification of placement of a vulnerable adult does not have to be provided to an alleged perpetrator.