Bill No.: SF0092                  Drafter:  JWL


LSO No.:  11LSO-0425              Effective Date:  2/18/2011


Enrolled Act No.:  SEA0029


Chapter No.:       52


Prime Sponsor:     Senator Bebout


Catch Title:       Natural gas storage.


Subject:  Natural gas utilities' sale of excess stored gas.



Summary/Major Elements:


     Current law (W.S. 37-3-201 through 205) provides that natural gas utilities may not include in their rate base, for purposes of calculating an approved rate tariff for Wyoming customers, any charge for stored gas in excess of 2.75 times the utility's 3-year average sold gas volume.  Excess stored gas is subject to special rate provisions.


     W.S. 37-3-204 provides for a rate rebate when certain excess stored gas is sold by the utility to a person other than a customer whose rates are approved by the Public Service Commission.


     This act repeals W.S. 37-3-204, thereby allowing a natural gas utility to sell its excess stored gas outside of Wyoming without rate penalty.