Bill No.: SF0103                  Drafter:  MQ


LSO No.:  11LSO-0389              Effective Date:  2/22/2011


Enrolled Act No.:  SEA0036


Chapter No.:       61


Prime Sponsor:     Senator Hines


Catch Title:       Gillette Madison water project financing.


Subject:  Amends the funding for the Gillette Madison water project.




Summary/Major Elements:


·        Gillette Madison water project is currently being funded with 2009 and 2010 appropriations and a loan/grant mix.


·        Bill also provides for 2011 funding including a $7 million project grant, a $25.4 million appropriation from AML funds, and a $16 million loan from the PMTF.


·        Bill also provides for future funding of the project for fiscal years 2012 through 2014.  The future funding is subject to the governor's recommendation.  (future funding amounts total around $118 million)