Bill No.: SF0110                  Drafter:  JDA


LSO No.:  11LSO-0050              Effective Date:  7/1/2011


Enrolled Act No.:  SEA0007


Chapter No.:       CH0002


Prime Sponsor:     Joint Appropriations Interim Committee


Catch Title:       School facilities commission-reorganization.


Subject:  Reorganization of the school facilities commission.


Summary/Major Elements:


ˇ        Current law structures implementation of the school capital construction system under the school facilities commission, with a director and supporting staff under direct control of the commission. 2011-2012 biennial budget bill provisions required the Select School Facilities Committee to present a plan for commission reorganization to the Joint Appropriations Committee, which is the basis for the enacted legislation;


ˇ        The plan forwarded by the legislature establishes a separate department of state government primarily responsible for the administration of the school capital construction system, with a director appointed by the Governor, subject to Senate confirmation;


ˇ        School facilities commission policy is implemented by the department, with the commission delegated rulemaking authority and final decision making;


ˇ        Commission membership under reorganization is comprised of eight instead of the current seven members, with seven appointed by the Governor from statutorily prescribed appointment districts and specified professions, and the remaining member being the State Superintendent or his designee;


ˇ        Appointed members are now representative of specific geographic regions of the state with combined professional requirements relevant to capital construction;


ˇ        Budget process continues to involve the legislative Select School Facilities Committee working with the Commission and Department in assembling annual budget recommendations to the Joint Appropriations Committee and Governor based upon facility prioritization through statewide standards, facility guidelines and facility needs assessment;


ˇ        Requires independent and full consideration of each of four facility measures used in needs assessment and building prioritization;


ˇ        Local district facility plans to be developed by the department in coordination with districts, to be reviewed and approved by the Commission on a two-year cycle;


ˇ        Commission membership is reorganized effective July 1, 2011, with existing commissioner terms expiring June 30, 2011 and all commission property, equipment, supplies, personnel and rules and regulations transferred to the newly created department effective July 1, 2011.




ˇ Amends/Creates major program:  Creates the School Facilities Department and makes significant changes to the School Facilities Commission.