General government appropriations.




This bill contains appropriations of $3,223,751,581 from the GENERAL FUND.


This bill contains appropriations of $1,671,802,040 from the SCHOOL FOUNDATION PROGRAM ACCOUNT.


This bill contains appropriations of $8,880,075 from WATER DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT I.


This bill contains an appropriation of $33,400,000 from the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT.


This bill contains appropriations of $114,772,921 from the SCHOOL CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT.


This bill contains appropriations of $65,427,898 from AGENCY FUNDS.


This bill contains appropriations of $6,737,910 from AGENCY TRUST ACCOUNTS.


This bill contains appropriations of $308,790,567 from ENTERPRISE FUNDS.


This bill contains appropriations of $1,469,827,146 from FEDERAL FUNDS.


This bill contains appropriations of $130,425,047 from the HIGHWAY FUND.


This bill contains appropriations of $604,389,198 from INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS.


This bill contains appropriations of $3,365,865 from OMNIBUS PERMANENT LAND FUND.


This bill contains appropriations of $1,051,423 from the STATE HOSPITAL PERMANENT LAND FUND.


This bill contains appropriations of $19,410,493 from OTHER EXPENDIBLE TRUST FUNDS.


This bill contains an appropriation of $4,400,000 from OTHER FUNDS IDENTIFIED BY FOOTNOTE.


This bill contains appropriations of $11,260,797 from PRIVATE FUNDS.


This bill contains appropriations of $12,587,178 from PENSION FUNDS.


This bill contains appropriations of $279,028,914 from SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS.


This bill contains appropriations of $22,000,000 from REVENUE BONDS.


This bill contains appropriations of $49,749,613 from the TOBACCO SETTLEMENT INCOME ACCOUNT.


This bill contains an authorization of 7,590 Full-Time positions, 347 Part-Time positions and 247 AWEC positions.


Prepared by:   Dean Temte, LSO  Phone: 777-788