




Budget(s):    053.  Department of Workforce Services

              (Workers' Safety and Comp)


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Page 36-line 15    After "Comp" insert "1.".


Page 36-After line 21   Insert:


"1.  From this other fund appropriation, the department shall continue the trial within the workers' compensation program on alternative managerial approaches for treating back and spine injuries authorized by footnote 1 of the department of employment budget in 2010 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 39, Section 025.  The department shall seek to expand the trial state wide and create incentives to cause every relevant injured worker to be treated according to one (1) of the evidence based protocols available.  This footnote shall not be construed to require that the same protocol be used for every injured worker.  The department may contract to implement this footnote and may continue existing relevant contracts.  The department shall provide a preliminary report on the trial to the joint labor, health and social services interim committee on or before October 1, 2012 and a final outcomes report on or before October 1, 2013.".


To the extent required by this amendment:  adjust totals; and renumber as necessary.  HARVEY