



Section Under Consideration:      Section 048.  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH

(Mental Health and Substance Abuse)


Other Budget(s) Affected:  [CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION]


(UW Project Fund)


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Page 30-lines 7 through 26   In the Berger second reading amendment (HB0001H2003/A) to these lines in section 048a created by that amendment:


                   In the Behavioral Health line item; After "8." insert ", 12."; Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "1,750,000".


Page 30-lines 7 through 26   In the Berger second reading amendment (HB0001H2003/A to these lines in section 048b created by that amendment:


                   In the Behavioral Health line item; After "8." insert ", 12."; Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "1,750,000".


Page 33-after line 18   Insert:


"12.  Notwithstanding any flex authority granted to the department of health in this act, the general fund appropriation provided with this footnote shall only be expended for programs within the mental health and substance abuse services division.".


Page 86-line 17    Under GENERAL FUND decrease amount by "3,500,000".


Page 87-line 17    Delete "twenty million dollars".


Page 87-line 18    Delete "($20,000,000.00)" insert "sixteen million five hundred thousand dollars ($16,500,000.00)".


Page 87-line 24    Delete "fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000.00)" insert "eleven million five hundred thousand dollars ($11,500,000.00)".


To the extent required by this amendment:  adjust totals; and renumber as necessary.  BRECHTEL