


                   [Capital Construction]


Budget(s):         067. University of Wyoming

(UW Project Fund)

* * * * * * * * * *


Delete the Wallis et al. third reading amendment (HB0001H3013/AC) entirely.


Delete the Connolly et al. third reading amendment (HB0001H3032/A) entirely.


Delete the Brechtel third reading amendment (HB0001H3015/A) entirely.


Further amend as follows:


Page 87-After line 23 Insert:


"(ii)  Thirteen million five hundred thousand dollars ($13,500,000.00) may be expended for renovations and improvements to the university's engineering building;


(iii)  One million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) may be expended for a level three (3) engineering design study for renovations and improvements to the university's Corbett Gym and swimming facilities.".


Page 87-lines 24 through 28       Delete entirely.


Page 88-lines 1 through 5    Delete entirely.


To the extent required by this amendment:  adjust totals; and renumber as necessary.  HARSHMAN