






Page 6-line 8      Delete “and”.


Page 6-lines 10 and 11       Delete, including the First Nicholas Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0121SW001/AE) to these lines and the Cooper, et al Third Reading Amendment (HB0121S3001/AE) to these lines and insert and renumber:


“(vii)  Fourteen million two hundred thousand dollars ($14,200,000.00) to the university of Wyoming for the performing arts building.  The university of Wyoming may raise private funds and issue revenue bonds pursuant to W.S. 21-17-402 through 21-17-450 for amounts up to fourteen million two hundred thousand dollars ($14,200,000.00) for renovation and construction associated with the performing arts building.  Any bonds issued shall be eligible for supplemental coverage in accordance with W.S. 9-4-1003.  To the extent practicable, bond counsel used on the issuance of the revenue bonds for this project shall be resident to Wyoming; and


(viii)  Fifteen million eight hundred thousand dollars ($15,800,000.00) to the highway fund for highway projects.”.


Page 17-line 10    After “paragraphs” insert “(b)(vii),”.


To the extent required by this amendment:  adjust totals; and renumber as necessary.  NICHOLAS