




Page 6-line 8      Delete the Nicholas Third Reading Amendment (HB0121S3007/AE) to this line.


Page 6-lines 10 and 11  Delete including the First Nicholas Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0121SW001/AE), the Cooper, et al Third Reading Amendment (HB0121S3001/AE) and the Nicholas Third Reading Amendment (HB0121S3007/AE) to these lines and further amend as follows: insert and renumber:


          "(vii)  Thirty million dollars ($30,000,000.00) for the following projects, provided that no amount of these funds shall be obligated, encumbered or expended prior to March 31, 2013:


              (A)  Fourteen million two hundred thousand dollars ($14,200,000.00) to the university of Wyoming for the preforming arts building;


              (B)  Fifteen million eight hundred thousand dollars ($15,800,000.00) shall be deposited into an account which shall be held by the state treasurer for distribution to the university of Wyoming for construction costs of the engineering building as provided in this subparagraph.  The funds shall be available to be matched by qualifying contributions meeting the provisions of W.S. 21‑16‑1401 through 21‑16‑1403, including valuation of matching funds.  Funds under this subparagraph shall only be available for expenditure as specifically authorized by the legislature.".  BEBOUT