

Page 1-line 16                                    Delete "or through reasonable".


Page 1-line 17                                    Delete "diligence should know".


Page 2-line 1                                      Delete "an animal" insert "any livestock"; delete "identified".


Page 2-line 2                                      Delete through "section" insert "formally declared by the Wyoming livestock board as being potentially economically devastating and for which there is a valid diagnostic test".


Page 2-line 3                                      Delete "animal" insert "livestock".


Page 2-line 4                                      Delete "animal" insert "livestock"; delete "an".


Page 2-line 5                                      Delete "animal" insert "livestock".


Page 2-line 6                                      Delete "an"; delete "animal" insert "livestock".


Page 2-line 16                                    Delete "treble" insert "three (3) times".


Page 3-line 6                                      Delete "or through".


Page 3-line 7                                      Delete through "known".  GEIS, CHAIRMAN






Page 2-line 4                                      After "who" insert "knowingly or through his own neglect".


Page 2-line 22                                    After "animal" delete balance of line.


Page 2-line 23                                    Delete through "person". EMERICH







Page 1-After line 8                                           In the First Senate Standing Committee Amendment (SF0047SS0001/A) to this line, in W.S. 9-3-409(b)(v)(C), after "confidentiality." insert "The safeguards shall assure that all data released for access is sufficiently aggregated or redacted so that no individual person can be identified by way of specific information or by so narrowing a search of data sets so as to make any person's identity available.".  SCHIFFER, COE, ROTHFUSS





Page 3-after line 2                                           After the Rothfuss Second Reading Amendment (SF0052S2002/A) to this line, insert and renumber:


"(c)  The governor, upon a demonstration of financial hardship by the responsible department or agency, may waive or reduce the requirements of this section.  The governor shall promptly provide a written report to the joint minerals, business and economic development interim committee explaining the reasons for any waiver or reduction pursuant to this subsection.".  ROTHFUSS, BEBOUT






Page 2-line 6                                      Delete "Is" insert "May be".


Page 2-line 18                                    Delete "and".


Page 2-line 21                                    Delete "." insert "; and".


Page 2-after line 21                         Insert and renumber:


                                                                                "(vi)  Is optional in part or in whole for use by teachers, schools and school districts.".


Page 3-line 18                                    Delete "emersion" insert "immersion".  COE, CHAIRMAN





Page 3-line 18                                    Delete the Senate Standing Committee amendment (SF0055SS001/A) to this line and further amend as follows:  delete "emersion" insert "integration".  ANDERSON, J.D.





Page 2-line 19                                    Delete "such" insert "the".  SCOTT





Page 2-line 9                                      After "right" insert "to either take legal action to enforce the terms of the easement or".  SCOTT, HICKS






Page 3-line 2                                      After "hunting" insert ", fishing or trapping".  HICKS, CHRISTENSEN






Page 3-line 1                                      Delete "distributed" insert "disbursed". HICKS






Page 3-line 19                                    After "knowingly" insert "with the intent to evade the imposition and collection of sales tax".


Page 4-lines 4 through 8                Delete and renumber.


Page 4-line 10                                    Delete "(v)" insert "(iv)".


Page 4-line 15                                    Delete "(vi)" insert "(v)".  SCOTT, VON FLATERN






Page 2-After line 8                           In the Rothfuss Committee of the Whole Amendment (SF0096SW002/A) to this line, in subsection (d) created by that amendment, after "other person" insert "having control or charge of the child".  ROTHFUSS