



Page 1-line 7                                      After "(intro)" insert "and by creating new paragraphs (iii) through (vi)".


Page 2-line 2                                      Delete new language.


Page 2-line 3                                      Delete new language.


Page 2-line 4                                      Delete new language and reinsert stricken language; after reinserted "that" insert "in fiscal years 2014 through 2017, the following portions of the funds that would be deposited into the Wyoming mineral trust fund shall be remitted to the state treasurer for distribution pursuant to the distribution formulas stated in W.S. 39-17-111(c) and (d) and 39-17-211(d)(ii), except W.S. 39-17-111(c)(i), divided between the two distribution formulas in like proportion to the total collected gasoline tax and total collected diesel fuel tax for the same period, and between the various accounts in identical percentage to that certified to each account by the department of transportation for all collected gasoline or diesel fuel taxes in the same period:


(iii)  In fiscal year 2014, forty and twenty-eight hundredths percent (40.28%), with the remainder deposited into the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund;


(iv)  In fiscal year 2015, thirty and six hundredths percent (30.06%), with the remainder deposited into the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund;


(v)  In fiscal year 2016, twenty and fifty-one hundredths percent (20.51%), with the remainder deposited into the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund; and


(vi)  In fiscal year 2017, ten and thirty-six hundredths percent (10.36%), with the remainder deposited into the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund.".


Page 2-line 6                                      Delete new language.


Page 2-lines 7 through 9                Delete new language.  PETERSON, CHAIRMAN






Page 1-line 7                                      Before "is" insert "and by creating a new subsection (f)".


Page 1-line 15                                    After "section" insert "and except as otherwise provided in subsection (f) of this section".


Page 2-after line 9                           Insert and renumber:


                                                                "(f)  Before making any distribution under subsection (b) of this section, the state treasurer shall ensure that the distribution will not result in a total distribution in any one (1) year of an amount equivalent to a gasoline tax under W.S. 39‑17‑104(a)(i) of more than twenty-three cents ($.23) per gallon or a diesel license tax under W.S. 39‑17‑204(a)(i) of more than twenty-three cents ($.23) per gallon.".  BEBOUT, CHAIRMAN





Delete the Perkins Second Reading Amendment (SF0160S2001/A) entirely.  DRISKILL