Statewide education accountability-phase I.





This bill contains an appropriation of $500,000 from the SCHOOL FOUNDATION FUND to the State Board of Education.  This appropriation is effective immediately.


This bill contains an appropriation of $350,000 from the SCHOOL FOUNDATION FUND to the Department of Enterprise Technology Services.  This appropriation is effective immediately.


This bill contains an authorization of 2 Full-Time positions.



Agency #:  005     Agency Name:  Department of Education

Unit:  6110 State Board


EXPENDITURE BY SERIES AND YEAR       FY 2013         FY 2014         FY 2015

0900  Contractual Services Costs      $500,000                                  


Total Expenditure Per Year:           $500,000                                


Grand Total Expenditure:              $500,000

Total Appropriated to Agency:         $500,000

Total Appropriated by Fund

SCHOOL FOUNDATION FUND   :            $500,000


Description of appropriation: It is assumed that this appropriation would be used for consultant expertise.


Agency #:  077     Agency Name:  Enterprise Technology Services

Program:  none provided


EXPENDITURE BY SERIES AND YEAR       FY 2013         FY 2014         FY 2015

0100  Personnel/Benefit Costs          $43,542          $134,242                

0200  Supportive Services Costs         $4,550            $2,200                

0400  Central/Data Services Costs         $450            $1,800                

0900  Contractual Services Costs       $30,000          $120,000                


Total Expenditure Per Year:            $78,542          $258,242               


Grand Total Expenditure:              $336,784

Total Appropriated to Agency:         $350,000

Total Appropriated by Fund

SCHOOL FOUNDATION FUND   :            $350,000


Description of appropriation:


The two positions include a 1) project manager to manage the workflow, tasks and major milestones in collaboration with the State Board of Education, Department of Education and Department of Enterprise Technology Services (ETS); and 2) software developer to replicate the model designed by the State Board of Education and computed by the Department of Education.

ETS estimates the total 0100 series costs for these 2 positions at $217,710. The bill states that $177,784 shall be expended by ETS for the additional positions. Therefore, the 0100 series expenditures shown above reflect a total of $177,784.


The contractual costs will be used to replicate (develop, configure and implement) the student growth model, which is a requirement of State Accountability.


In order to meet the mandate set forth is this proposed legislation (facilitate the provision of data necessary and ensure the integrity, accuracy and security of all information and data used), ETS would need to duplicate the systems established through the State Board of Education and Department of Education to provide accurate and appropriate results.


ETS has made the following assumptions:














This bill has administrative impact that appears to increase (or decrease) duties or responsibilities of one or more state agencies and may impact agency spending or staffing requirements. As introduced, the bill does not modify any state agency budget or current personnel authorizations.

The following state agencies will be asked to provide their estimate of the administrative fiscal impact prior to the first committee meeting held to consider the bill:

Department of Education

Department of Enterprise technology Services


Prepared by:   Dean Temte, LSO       Phone: 777-7881

(Information provided by Fred Hansen, Dept. of Education; 777-7804:

Meredith Bickell, ETS; 777-5840)