Neglected and abandoned animals-grant program.





This bill contains appropriations of $175,000 from the GENERAL FUND to the Department of Agriculture.



Agency #:  010     Agency Name:  Department of Agriculture

Unit:  New


EXPENDITURE BY SERIES AND YEAR       FY 2013         FY 2014         FY 2015

0200  Supportive Services Costs                         $75,000                

0600  Grant & Aid Payments                             $100,000                


Total Expenditure Per Year:                            $175,000               


Grand Total Expenditure:              $175,000

Total Appropriated to Agency:         $175,000

Total Appropriated by Fund

GENERAL FUND             :            $175,000




Description of Appropriation:

As directed in the proposed legislation, $75,000 would be used for program set up and board expenses.  The remaining $100,000 would be available for local government grants from the newly created Neglected and Abandoned Animals Account.




As the proposed legislation is written the appropriation for this program is one time funding.  If the program were to continue additional funds would need to be requested.

















Prepared by:   Matthew Sackett, LSO  Phone: 777-7881

(Information provided by Julie Cook, Department of Agriculture; Phone: 777-6570)