Administrative control of acquired institutional lands.




This bill contains an appropriation of $50,000 from the GENERAL FUND to the Office of State Lands and Investments.



Agency #:  060     Agency Name:  Office of State Lands and Investments

Unit:  0102        Unit Name: Trust Land Management Division


EXPENDITURE BY SERIES AND YEAR       FY 2013         FY 2014         FY 2015

0100  Personnel/Benefit Costs                          $50,000                


Total Expenditure Per Year:                            $50,000               


Grand Total Expenditure:               $50,000

Total Appropriated to Agency:          $50,000

Total Appropriated by Fund

GENERAL FUND             :             $50,000


Description of Appropriation: The appropriation will be used to establish a report identifying the acquired institutional lands, not directly utilized for departmental purposes, that will be managed by the Board of Land Commissioners. The report will also identify the potential highest and best use for each managed property.


Assumptions: The agency estimates that there are approximately thirty potential land transactions that will warrant consideration. These transactions would include commercial development, agricultural, sub-division, and disposal/exchange.  Additionally, it is estimated that another twenty or more conveyances/leases will need to be considered concerning mineral development, special use leases and deed restrictions.


Non-administrative Impact


The non-administrative impact in the form of an increase in revenue to the general fund is indeterminable at this time because of the unknown value of potential land transactions and conveyances/leases, however, it should be noted that any current lease on acquired institutional lands which has no fund attached to it, will now be directed to the general fund.  Therefore, the non-administrative impact in the form of a revenue decrease to the Wyoming State Hospital Self Generated Revenue Account is estimated at $24,000 per year, with all funds now being directed to the General Fund.




This bill has administrative impact that appears to increase  duties or responsibilities of one state agency and may impact agency spending or staffing requirements. As introduced, the bill does not modify any state agency personnel authorizations.

The following state agency will be asked to provide their estimate of the administrative fiscal impact prior to the first committee meeting held to consider the bill:

Office of State Lands and Investments

Prepared by:   Alex Kean, LSO Phone: 777-7881

(Information provided by: Paul Mullenax, Wyoming State Hospital Phone: 789-3464,  Jason Crowder, OSLI phone: 777-6639)