Bill No.:                     SF0075                                   Drafter:  JDA


LSO No.:                   13LSO-0108                         Effective Date:  Immediate


Enrolled Act No.:    SEA0083


Chapter No.:            CH0154


Prime Sponsor:       Senator Hicks


Catch Title:              Honor farm horse program.


Subject:                     This bill specifies that wild horses from outside the state of Wyoming shall not be used at the honor farm horse program or other state correctional facility program involving horses.



Summary/Major Elements:


ˇ          This bill provides that if any state correctional facility operates a program involving the use, purchase, training or sale of wild horses, the program shall not use any wild horse which was not initially captured or found within the boundaries of the State or within the boundaries of a Bureau of Land Management herd management area contiguous to the state.


ˇ          The bill requires that there shall be a brand and ownership inspection at the time of transfer of a wild horse to or from any state correctional facility.


ˇ          The bill requires an annual report from the department of corrections to the joint agriculture, state and public lands and water resources interim committee on any transactions involving wild horses.